This is my first visit after quite a long absence, and I have a problem I want to present to the Masters of Excel here. I’m looking for a non-VBA solution (if at all possible) to the following: my user has a workbook with many worksheets, around 100 or so. Each worksheet is laid out the same as all the others. What she needs to do is sum specific cells in a master worksheet, which would be quite simple using a 3D formula (FL1:FL100!$H$3).
But here’s the kicker: before summing each cell from each worksheet she needs to multiply each worksheet’s cell content by a cell on the master worksheet. The cell on the master worksheet would contain either a 0 or a 1. That way she can sum only the sheets needed in a particular scenario.
So it would work something like this: SUM(FL1!$H$3*Master!E5,FL2!$H$3*Master!E6,FL3!$H$3*Master!E7… and so on. The ones and zeros in the E column on the Master worksheet are generated by a switch and correspond to each FL worksheet. The idea is that the user can vary conditions on the Master worksheet and generate immediate results from the other worksheets accordingly.
Any ideas on how to approach this?