Hi All,
I’m seeing the weirdest issues come up during this Access 97 to 2003 conversion… An automated process that worked fine in 97 is not working in 2003… I’ve traced it back to some Make Table queries… The data contains a “Maturity” field… In the old database when I ran the make table query, the resulting table had the Maturity as Text data type… For some unknown reason the resulting table now has the Maturity data as Binary data type… ???… The even more bizarre thing to me is that Binary is not even one of the choices of data types in the drop down list for a field when designing a table…. ???… I’m working on adding CStr() all over the place and hoping that fixes my problem… I am just confused as to why it’s happening and wanted to see if anyone else has come across this before… Now I’m concerned that it is happening in other databases used in the department and not being noticed… It is certainly not something I would have tested for…