• Cut and Paste (2000)


    Oh great Excel gurus please please

    A friend of mine is having this problem in Excel. He’ll cut and paste 20 different cells many times, but soon it just starts pasting 15 cells instead of 20.

    Anyone seen this strange behavior, and do you know of a solution?

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    • #752115

      hello Mike

      OK this is odd?!

      Can your friend tell us after how many pastes, the number goes down to 15?

      How much RAM and System Resources does your friend have on their system?

      Does the Paste operation seem to take longer each time he/she pastes?

      What is your friend copying and pasting, formulas, values in cells, formatted cells, cells with conditional formats, what I am trying to get at is how much work Excel needs to do for each paste operation and then figure out if it could be a resource issue?

      Does this happen in all workbooks, or a single one? Is a single one, its time to clean up the workbook, because its corrupted already. Let me know and I’ll send you some ideas on how to do that.

      Does it happen on a single machine, or multiple? If single, maybe need to reinstall, something has gone bad…

      Are these 20 cells form a contiguous range, or are they from all over, specially multiple worksheets?

      OK I think I gave you enough questions for a two-please Smilie request… better use more next time… laugh blackteeth


      • #752330


        The friend contacted me to let me know that he figured it out. It had to do with hidden cells/columns. doh I think he was pasting and only seeing 15, the other 5 were being pasted into hidden cells/columns.

        Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

      • #752331


        The friend contacted me to let me know that he figured it out. It had to do with hidden cells/columns. doh I think he was pasting and only seeing 15, the other 5 were being pasted into hidden cells/columns.

        Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

    • #752116

      hello Mike

      OK this is odd?!

      Can your friend tell us after how many pastes, the number goes down to 15?

      How much RAM and System Resources does your friend have on their system?

      Does the Paste operation seem to take longer each time he/she pastes?

      What is your friend copying and pasting, formulas, values in cells, formatted cells, cells with conditional formats, what I am trying to get at is how much work Excel needs to do for each paste operation and then figure out if it could be a resource issue?

      Does this happen in all workbooks, or a single one? Is a single one, its time to clean up the workbook, because its corrupted already. Let me know and I’ll send you some ideas on how to do that.

      Does it happen on a single machine, or multiple? If single, maybe need to reinstall, something has gone bad…

      Are these 20 cells form a contiguous range, or are they from all over, specially multiple worksheets?

      OK I think I gave you enough questions for a two-please Smilie request… better use more next time… laugh blackteeth


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