• Customize Outlook Today (or not) (Outlook 2000 sp3)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Customize Outlook Today (or not) (Outlook 2000 sp3)


    The customization button on my OL Today page no longer works. I was able to set it up as I wanted it thro’ regedit and I don’t particularly want to change it. Still, it’s a bit irritating not knowing why and how to fix it. I’ve looked in FreeAnswers but it couldn’t help apart from a small pointer by way of the registry entries.
    Anyone know anything?

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    • #682338

      Peter, sorry I don’t have an answer for you.

      However, thanks for the new (to me) site. For anyone interested the link is FreeAnswers.

      • #682626

        Glad to be of service. I’d’ve posted the link first if I’d realised the significance. I assumed everyone knew that one. Any way, glad you found it useful.

    • #682349

      Check thru the Can’t customise outlook today thread, it should help.

      • #682627

        Thanks for that. I read it but it involves a registry change and as I’ve already done one of my own I may as well leave it at that.
        Of course, you might know that a MS ‘repair’ would cause a problem elsewhere!

        • #682730

          The registry fix works fine and was easy to do, no problem at all. In fact I made a special folder that contains both the on and off registry fix keys and I exported both while in regedit. All I have to do is click on the registry button I want like an on

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