Hi Everyone–
Word 97, Win 95, Outlook 98. I’m trying to set up a document so that when you’re done with it, you can click a button and an email with the document will automatically go to an Outlook (98) recipient. I’ve kind of fudged it with using routing, but it’s not a great solution. I saw SendMail in there, but there seems to be no way to specify a recipient (at least not in the documentation). [This is one of those things when I go–Why can’t it be just like Access???]
The document I’m trying to send is a protected Word form, but I can’t just put the form into Outlook because there’s no way to protect it in there (so the user can tab through the form fields).
I’m sure someone out there has done this before. Any ideas, or suggestions, no matter how crazy, are very welcome.
Cecilia 🙂