I’m new to Excel 2007 so I need the 2nd grade explanation
I have 20 customers.
This is what I have:
I have a sheet for each customer with contact and demographic information in a vertical format, 1 customer per sheet, sheet name will be customers last name, a-z
This is what I want to do:
On the 21 sheet I want a detail list various fields, name address, telephone, email, etc from all 20 customers in a horizontal format, 1 customer per line, all customers per last detail list sheet
When changes are made to the individual customer sheets they are reflected in the last detail list sheet
When changes are made to the detail list sheet they are reflected in the individual customer sheets
I need to be able to insert the 21st, 22nd customer alphabetically and have everything move to the right
Can someone provide me with a sample .xls spreadsheet or point me to tutorial that that demonstrates the above requirements?
Thanks, John
PS: What is the correct terminology for what I’m trying to accomplish?