• Custom Menu Bar won’t Display in Access 2013

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Custom Menu Bar won’t Display in Access 2013


    I have a program.mdb with a customized menu bar

    When I open program.mdb in 2007 & 2010 the ribbon is disabled and the custom bar is displayed as it should be and all is OK

    When I open the same program.mdb in 2013 the ribbon is displayed and the custom bar is missing

    Following are the Options, Current Database, Ribbon and Tool Bar Option settings that is used in all Access 2007, 2010 & 2013 versions

    I have a clean compile and get no error messages

    What am I missing? How do I disable the ribbon and get the custom EZ Menu Bar to display in 2013?

    Ribbon Name:
    Menu Bar: EZ Menu Bar
    Shortcut Menu Bar: (default)
    Checked Allow Full Menus
    Checked Allow Default Shortcut Menus
    Unchecked Allow Built-in Toolbars

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    • #1447732

      Some further Information:

      Has anyone moved prior versions of Access custom menus to Access 2013?

      Discontinued features and modified functionality in Access 2013


      Access 2003 toolbar and menus

      You can no longer bypass the Ribbon interface and show Access 2003 toolbars and menus in Access 2013 as you could in 2007 and Access 2010. But you can make them appear on the Add-ins tab, or add them to a custom Ribbon group or the Quick Access Toolbar.

      Access 2003 Toolbars and menus are shown in the Add-ins tab on the Ribbon. Adding them to a custom Ribbon group is also supported. You can also use RibbonX and XML to create a custom ribbon for your desktop database.

      I’ve been all through the Options, Customize Ribbon section and see no reference to my Access 2003 eza_Menus and how to make them appear on the Add-ins tab, or add them to a custom Ribbon group or the Quick Access Toolbar.

      How do I get my Access 2003 custom eza_Menus (Menu Bar) to appear in a custom Ribbon group or the Quick Access Toolbar?
      If you have a suggestion I need the 2nd grade explanation

      Following are the Options, Current Database, Ribbon and Tool Bar Option settings that is used in all Access 2007, 2010 & 2013 versions

      Ribbon Name:
      Menu Bar: EZ Menu Bar
      Shortcut Menu Bar: (default)
      Checked Allow Full Menus
      Checked Allow Default Shortcut Menus
      Unchecked Allow Built-in Toolbars

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