• Currently Locked Can Not Update (Access 2000)

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    We have 10 users on our database. We’ve been getting a message that says, “Currently Locked can not update.” Everyone has to shut down otherwise, no information is saved from that point on.

    I took a class awhile back and asked the instructor about it. He said that I’ve set the database up correctly and I have to talk to the group in charge of our AS400 or server.

    At that time, it wasn’t much of an issue, we got the message once maybe twice a week so I didn’t check into it but lately we’ve been getting the message three and four times a day.

    I really need some help but I honestly don’t know what I’m suppose to ask the IT group to do. Can someone please give me the verbage to pass on to get rid of this problem.

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    • #656583

      Where do you get that error?
      I presume it’s a form. Is it the same form that multiple users are finding that this happens?
      Have you set the database to Record Locking (it’s under Tools/Options)? Look at post 133601 for more information.

      Pat cheers

      • #656607

        They are using forms. I have it set to record level locking.

        I need to go and pick up my son so just skimmed the 133601 information. I have set up short cuts on each of their desktops though. Is that the problem?

        Should I take away the record level locking? I wasn’t sure what the solution was for the short cut issue. How can that be resolved? I really don’t want them to go directly into the N drive.

        • #656618

          Probably good timing, I have just dropped off my triplets to school.

          Post 133601 states:
          I discovered what my problem is on the Microsoft Website. it seems that even if you set record locking to your database but open it via a windows shortcut or by clicking the .mdb file it defaults to page locking. The solution is to make sure the first instance of the database in a multiuser environment is opened via Microsoft Access and then use either the open existing file option in the startup MSAccess dialog box or the Open command on the file menu to open the database.

          This means that there should be a person nominated to start the session each day and the way they do it is as above. everyone else just starts up via an icon on the desktop or however they do it now.

          Pat smile

          • #656671

            Actually, you should be able to do it from the shortcut as well if you use the correct command line arguments and include the full path for the access executable, the workgroup file and the database itself. The /excl argument opens the database exclusive. Eliminating that argument is supposed to open the database for multiuser sharing.

          • #656778

            Triplets! Aren’t you blessed. I have my hands full with one.

            I can’t thank you enough for your assistance. I’ll open it the correct way from now on. I’ve been importing files into the database every morning so I’ve been the one locking us up. I’ve been using a shortcut.

        • #656732

          Hi Theresa,
          In case you are not aware of it, the problem described in that post was fixed with Service Release 1a – see this MS KBase article. The locking issue shouldn’t be that big an issue for you as long as you aren’t trying to make design changes on the fly, or everyone isn’t trying to edit the same record at the same time. It really sounds like someone is opening the database in exclusive mode for some reason. If you can determine who that is, that will likely give you a clue as to what they are doing to cause it. BTW, is your database split, or is it a single database with tables in the same .MDB file with the queries, forms, reports and code?

          • #656781

            Good Morning Wendall,
            You’ve been a big help. I’ve sent the Service Release information to the helpdesk so hopefully, this will be cleared up soon. I’ve been the one going in every morning! I import information from the AS400 to update the database and I’ve been doing it through a shortcut on my desktop. Woops!

            It is a single database put on the shared drive.
            Thanks again,

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