So I went to the official website for CrystalDiskInfo (https://crystalmark.info/en/download/#CrystalDiskInfo) and downloaded the newest version (9.0.1a) Standard Edition (zip) version. Then I checked the SHA256 hash values from the author’s download page to the zip file I have (using powershell) and they matched, so all good so far. Then I extract the files to a temporary folder on the desktop and check the program files, .ini files, and .dll files on VirusTotal. That’s when I get this result when checking JMS56x.dll:
I suspect this is a false positive from Webroot, but out of an abundance of caution I thought I would ask folks here: is that the case? Is CrystalDiskInfo safe to use in this case?
I also scanned said temporary folder with MS Defender and Malwarebytes Free 4.5.30 and both didn’t find any threats. I also made sure to check and see that the app was digitally signed, which it is.
I haven’t run the program yet, it is just sitting in the folder on the desktop. I also (for the fun of it) downloaded the same file from OlderGeeks.com and compared the SHA256 hash values and (as I assumed) they are the same. (I used VirusTotal’s hashes to compare the two. It turns out that VirusTotal’s hash function is just as good as powershell’s, and a little easier to use.) So this would be an issue, if it is one, regardless of which website I got this download from, from the two websites above.
So back to my question: do folks here think this is just a false positive? If not, I may need to “bite the bullet” and use WD’s drive utilities. (I’ve got an external HDD that is starting to make a little bit of noise, and has me concerned.)