• Create AutoRun with a Menu Screen to pick


    I don’t know if I am posting in the right place but I saw another similar question in this section.
    I need to create an AutoRun CD (using Nero). The problem is, they want me to create a menu that would come up when the CD-ROM was opened and on that menu to have links to the different portions of the item (recording of the call, presentation, materials) that would take people to each one when they clicked on the link. I HAVE NO idea how to do this. Can someone either help me out on here or direct me to some literature on how to do this??? THANKS!!

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    • #990106

      You’ll probably want to investigate software that can create menus for you. Many commercial CDs use menu systems created in Flash, which is has a steep learning curve and is probably overkill for your needs.

    • #990109

      Try creating a web page that has links to those items. That would be simplest. I think we have had threads on how to “autorun” an HTML page.

      • #990130

        I have used this program very successfully to achieve what you are trying to do, the limited version is free, the pro version is great. You can create button with raised edges variant fills etc the only limitation is your skill in the artwork all .bmp. We use it to give to the grandchildren to issue birthday party invitations, with buttons to some tunes, some games and a reply by e-mail or print out a reply.

        http://www.timeless.co.zw/ [/url]

        Don’t tell too many people it is great and free


        • #990188

          Looking through the site you mentioned, Timeless – CD AutoRun freeware edition does appear to fit the bill, but I can’t understand why you say “Don’t tell too many people it is great and free”. It is quite explicitly “advertised” as freeware and is clearly intended as a sampler for the commercial Pro version. I think they’d be rather disappointed in you hushing up their freeware version. grin


          • #990283

            Sometimes, perhaps, too much publicity can cause a company to start charging. As the last update was in 1999, that seems doubtful in this case.

            If anyone tries this, I’m curious whether command line arguments can be used. For example, let’s say I put a VBScript file on the CD and want to launch it as an argument to cscript.exe or wscript.exe (this might provide richer programming possibilities than launching a .bat file).

          • #990325

            My attempt at a little humour, obviously I was making it very public by placing the reply to a post in the “Software Finds And Wants”. They do not need an Australian distributor, I advertise it everywhere.

            As I stated in the post, it makes great birthday invitations for the little ones, who get a great deal of pride in handing out CD’s, an opening screen from the Birthday boy/girl the invitation, the free games to the ultimate reply.

            • #990332

              Ah, humour… OK, now I see stupidme.

              How times have changed since my little ones made up invites with glue and glitter. CDs sound decidedly less messy!


    • #990288

      I use Autoitfor this. The latest version has a GUI creator and you can make some very nice menus with clickable icons and labels to open files. The command for running files also takes command-line switches. It’s very versatile, fairly easy to get to know and has been mentioned here before (by Tony, I think).

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