• Counting unique items (2002)


    I can use Advanced Filter to copy out the unique items of a column and then count them. However, is there a function that I can use directly to count how many unique items there are? Thanks, Andy.

    Viewing 4 reply threads
    • #980314

      Try Chip Pearson’s page Duplicate And Unique Items In Lists


    • #980340

      You can use an array formula (ctrl+shift+enter to confirm instead of just enter) to do a simple unique count :


      Where A1:A100 is your range (blanks are not allowed)

    • #980441

      The following code starts with your list of items (Source) then creates a new list of Unique
      items (Uniques) — If you dont want the unique list just delete the code line that creates it:

      The msgbox will then give you the total of unique items.

      Sub CreateUniqueList()
      ‘Requires a reference to MS Scripting Runtime
      ‘In the VBA Editor, click on
      ‘Tools>References>Microsoft Scripting Runtime

      Dim Dict As Scripting.Dictionary
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim oCell As Range
      Dim Source As Range
      Dim Uniques As Range

      ‘ ‘ Adjust ranges as needed
      Set Source = Range(“A:A”)
      Set Uniques = Range(“B:B”)

      Set Dict = New Dictionary
      i = 1
      With Dict
      For Each oCell In Source
      If Not .Exists(oCell.Value) Then
      If Not oCell.Value = “” Then
      .Add Key:=oCell.Value, Item:=i
      ‘ Optional — Create a unique list
      Uniques(i) = oCell.Value
      ‘ increment the counter
      i = i + 1

      End If
      End If
      Next oCell
      End With
      ‘Optional Msg
      MsgBox “There are ” & i & ” unique items in your list.”

      Set Dict = Nothing
      Set oCell as Nothing
      Set Source as Nothing
      Set Uniques as Nothing

      End Sub

    • #980470



      or with the Morefunc addin


      • #980523

        Version 3.9 (the latest at this moment) of the morefunc.xll add-in would allow:


        which behaves like the SumProduct version vis-a-vis empty cells and formula-blanks.

    • #980474

      I think the credit for this goes to Hans, however, if it is someone else, I apologize
      This function will count unique items in a list:

      Function CountUniqueValues(InputRange As Range) As Long
      Dim cl As Range, UniqueValues As New Collection
      On Error Resume Next ‘ ignore any errors
      For Each cl In InputRange
      UniqueValues.Add cl.Value, CStr(cl.Value) ‘ add the unique item
      Next cl
      On Error GoTo 0
      CountUniqueValues = UniqueValues.Count
      End Function

      You would then use CountUniqueValues(a1:a50) or whatever range

      • #980476

        I don’t think the credit for this should go to any individual person, these ideas float around…

        • #980482

          John Walkenbach attributes this tip of using the collection to hold unique items to J.G. Hussey, published in “Visual Basic Programmer’s Journal”, though I do not know if this was the “first time” it was used…


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