• countif (excel2003)


    members & viewers, it’s been awhile , I missed you all.

    I need a help with a countif formula to count the number of times a code exist in a column. My difficulty is that the code is part of a name. example is
    the name in the column is Initial bottom(RM) ,what I want to count is (RM).
    Thanks in advance.

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    • #980555

      Assuming thay you want to count the number of times the values in A1:A100 end with “(RM)”, you can use this array formule (it must be confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter):


      Replace A1:A100 with the range in which you want to count. You can replace “(RM)” with a reference to a cell that contains “(RM)”

    • #980591


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