• CountIF


    I am using excel 97 and I want to count the number of entries between a date range. I have entered =countif(a1:a40,”>09/01/01 and <11/30/01"). I only get zeros. Can anyone help??


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    • #525911

      If you’d like to see a great discussion of date intervals, go to Chip Pearson’s web site.

    • #525953

      Does this work ?



    • #525958

      Hi Deborah
      Try this userdefined function

      Function CountDateBetween(inRange, minDate As Date, maxDate As Date)
      Dim MinCtr, MaxCtr As Integer ‘counter for dates exceeding limits
      MinCtr = Application.CountIf(inRange, “>=” & minDate)
      MaxCtr = Application.CountIf(inRange, “>” & maxDate)
      CountDateBetween = MinCtr – MaxCtr
      End Function

      Copy & paste into the personal workbook macros. This workbook is normally hidden.
      You will be then able to invoke thefunction using the function wizard (fx button) from the user defined category.


    • #525921

      The following array formula should give you what you are asking for:

      =SUM((A1:A40 > DATEVALUE("9/1/01")) * (A1:A40 < DATEVALUE("11/30/01")))

      That is an array formula, so you must hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys when you press the Enter key to enter the formula into the cell.

      • #526034

        Whenever I received your post through my email it had < before the last date range. I can follow the logic up until I hit this. I know the & is a concatenation character but what are the others? The formula works great!!


        • #526062

          Here is the formula again before I try to explain:

          =SUM((A1:A40 > DATEVALUE("9/1/01")) * (A1:A40 < DATEVALUE("11/30/01")))

          Since this is entered as an array formula, the (A1:A40 > DATEVALUE(“9/1/01”) part of the formula will compare the dates in cells A1 through A40 to the date 9/1/01 and create an array of forty ones or zeros. There will be a one in the array where the date in the corresponding cell is greater than 9/1/01, and a zero where it is less. The second part of the formula creates a second array with ones where the date is less than 11/30/01 and a zero where it is greater. The asterich (*) multiplies the those two arrays together to create an array where the elements are one if the date in the corresponding cell is between the dates and a zero if it is outside the range. The SUM adds uo the elements in this array which counts the dates in the range.

          There is no & in the formula, so I don’t know what you are asking there.

          • #526065

            Legare, when Lounge messages are e-mailed, the less than “” symbol gets converted to “& g t “, without the spaces.

            • #526066

              John: Thanks. Does that happen if the formula is inside pre tags? I had tried to prevent that by using pre tags, but had a typo which converted [ pre ] to [pre}. I don’t use the email options, so I don’t know what happens there.

            • #526069

              I’m not certain, send a test to me with preserve tags and I’ll check.

            • #526079

              Gee, John, you could send a test to YOURSELF and check. Doh!

              greater than


              less than











            • #526080

              Here’s what e-mail delivers (item in quotes edited to add spaces):
              greater thanless than”& l t”;asterisk*equals=number/pound/hash/sharp#ampersand&caret^

              The greater than symbol disappears altogether, as does the “pre” spacing.

            • #526067

              Thanks for the clarification!!!! The formula works great and I appreciate all the post!


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