• Copying worksheet to new workbook exactly as is.. (2000 SR-3)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » Copying worksheet to new workbook exactly as is.. (2000 SR-3)


    Okay… I have this awful feeling that I’m asking the dumbest question ever asked… laugh
    but I’m having trouble with this and I need to get it done YESTERDAY…

    I created a new worksheet inside this 20-odd page workbook… I created all kinds of formulas referencing different cells on other sheets…. Works great… but now I have to copy this sheet to other workbooks with the same sheet names and areas… How do I keep the sheet exactly as it is when copying over to the new book?

    For example if a particular cell contains “=’US dir’!BP1545 in the old book… I want it to stay exactly that…
    I’m sure this must be possible but no matter how I do it, it gets altered…

    Can anyone help me?

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    • #735034

      You need to select Edit|Links and make the new Workbook link to itself. The deault is that the copied Worksheet links back to the Workbook out of which it was copied.

    • #735035

      You need to select Edit|Links and make the new Workbook link to itself. The deault is that the copied Worksheet links back to the Workbook out of which it was copied.

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