Hi Everyone!
Here’s the scenerio:
- WorkbookA has 3 worksheets: SheetA, SheetB and SheetC
- WorkbookB has 5 worksheets: SheetA, SheetB, SheetC, and two newly created sheets: NewSheetA and NewSheetB
- SheetA, SheetB and SheetC are identical in both workbooks
- NewSheetA and NewSheetB have all kinds of cells referencing cells on SheetA, SheetB and SheetC
[/list]How can I copy NewSheetA and NewSheetB to WorkbookA without the references changing to include “=[WorkbookB.xls]…” all over the place?… I simply want the formulae and references to remain exactly the same, thereby referencing the cell in the current workbook… Does that make sense?…. Is this possible?? Seems as though it should be…Thanks in advance!