• Copy Excel column widths via object


    I suspect the answer is no, but is there a way to copy/paste column widths without going via the clipboard?

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    • #1307865

      Copying and pasting always runs through the clipboard. However, getting values and setting other values usually can be done in code. What exactly are you trying to do?

    • #1307867

      Well, one can do a copy via an object (i.e. not via the clipboard) using:

      range_object.Copy Destination:=another_range_object

      As well as copying the data, I also wish to copy the column widths to the destination range.

      • #1307891

        Well, one can do a copy via an object (i.e. not via the clipboard) using:

        range_object.Copy Destination:=another_range_object

        You’re right. I’ve never understood why copy/paste in Excel works differently within the application (more like “duplicate at destination”) than when you copy from Excel and paste to Word. But I digress.

        You can add an additional line of code to set the column width:

        range_object.Copy Destination:=another_range_object
        another_range_object.ColumnWidth = range_object.ColumnWidth

        Would that work for your actual procedure? It assumes a single column, which may be a very bad assumption.

        Edit: This should work with multiple columns assuming the range is a rectangle (other scenarios might be a mess).

        range_object.Copy Destination:=another_range_object
        Dim intCount As Integer
        For intCount = 1 To range_object.Columns.Count
        another_range_object.Columns(intCount).ColumnWidth = range_object.Columns(intCount).ColumnWidth

    • #1307899

      I’ll try that.I already use another_range_object.value = range_object.value which does the equivalent of Paste Special Values on a whole range. It’s just a pity that there is no such shorthsnd for column widths.

      • #1307915

        It’s just a pity that there is no such shorthsnd for column widths.

        I wouldn’t rule it out: I only dabble in Excel VBA a few times a decade, and am far from an expert on Excel’s object model (or on Excel).

      • #1308097

        There is a Paste Special > Column Widths option in the user interface.
        Recording a macro of applying that, results in (just including the key line here):

            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths, Operation:=xlNone, _
                SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

        (substitute your range instead of Selection)

        – would that work?


    • #1308411

      No because it pastes from the clipboard which violates the “without going via the clipboard” in the OP.

      • #1308495

        No because it pastes from the clipboard which violates the “without going via the clipboard” in the OP.

        Fair enough – just thought I’d throw that out there. Also to be fair, the OP’s original method:

        range_object.Copy Destination:=another_range_object

        does use the clipboard (as far as I can tell). From Excel’s VBA Help topic:

        Destination – Optional – Variant – Specifies the new range to which the specified range will be copied. If this argument is omitted, Microsoft Excel copies the range to the Clipboard.

        – which doesn’t explicitly say that the clipboard is used when the argument is included, but a simple test seems to indicate it does:
        Copy some ordinary text, and paste it anywhere (such as in a worksheet, or in a Word document). Then run the sample code from Excel’s Help topic:

        Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1:D4”).Copy  destination:=Worksheets(“Sheet2”).Range(“E5”)

        – and then try to repeat pasting the previously-copied text – nothing happens. So it seems like the Range Copy method is using (and clearing) the clipboard in some way.

        In any case, Bob Flanagan’s suggestion seems best.


        • #1308500

          In any case, Bob Flanagan’s suggestion seems best.

          I think my code implemented the suggestion even before it was made. 😉

    • #1308419

      Just do something like this:

      Columns(1).ColumnWidth = Columns(3).ColumnWidth

      Bob Flanagan

    • #1308514

      Bob’s one doesn’t work on a set of columns, only on a single column and so doesn’t work.

      • #1308554

        jscher’s code from 11/23 post (which I skipped over – sorry!) should address both issues.


    • #1308570

      I think I was aware of that. Indeed immediately following that post I posted:

      “I’ll try that.I already use another_range_object.value = range_object.value which does the equivalent of Paste Special Values on a whole range. It’s just a pity that there is no such shorthsnd for column widths.”

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