• Copy data to new spreadsheet (Excel 2002)

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    I have a spreadsheet with both ROWS and COLUMNN “hidden”
    (cell + format + hide row/col)
    I want to copy a column to another spreadhseet
    without picking up the hidden cells. (just what is on the screen).

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    • #673754

      Select the range of data, press F5 (or Ctrl G) and then select visible cells. You can then copy and paste and the operation should only include the visible cells.

      The following code will copy the visible cells of the current selection and paste to Sheet2, starting at A1.

      Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

      Andrew C.

    • #673758

      Select a range including hidden rows and/or columns.
      Select Edit | Goto…
      Click Special…
      Select “Visible cells only”.
      Click OK.
      Now you can copy and paste the visible cells.

      If you use this type of operation often, you can put a “Select Visible Cells” button on a toolbar:
      Right-click a toolbar.
      Click Customize…
      In the Commands tab, select the Edit category, then locate the Select Visible Cells command (see small screenshot)
      Drag this command to a convenient location on one of the toolbars.

      • #674606

        After you have “selected a range including hidden rows and/or columns”
        Just type Alt + ; (semicolon) and save a few clicks.


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