• Conversions of older Word docs (Word: 97SP2, 2000 & XP)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Word and word processing help » Conversions of older Word docs (Word: 97SP2, 2000 & XP)


    Recently spoke with a Word guru who says anyone switching from Word97 to 2000 – but especially if switching to WordXP should look into having their older Word documents converted as they often ‘go bad’. Anyone have any experience with Word (97 especially) documents corrupting when opened in XP? TIA

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    • #641048

      FWIW – last year I worked for a client who was still running Word 97 and I was running 2K at my home office. I often shuttled Word documents back and forth through e-mails to myself or on diskettes and never had any problems with using the two different products. Some of these documents were very long and had lots of tables, multiple sections and embedded Visio 5 diagrams in them. Never had a problem, except that a macro I recorded in the 2000 environment did not work without a bit of tweaking in the W97 environment – only happened once. Maybe I was lucky smile HTH

      Ron M smile smile smile

      P.S. Same deal with Excel files.

      • #641069

        Thanks for the reply, Ron. We have had some document corruption with Word97 files opened in Word 2000. So far as I can determine a lot of that is due to huge documents which are entirely tables (Word just doesn’t seem to like large tables). Also, documents where the author was cutting and pasting between applications (i.e. WordPerfect) where paste special unformatted text has not been used. I’m guessing that the compatibility options set in Word 2000 may have some bearing on this as well.

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