I’m trying to get my new win10/pro {1809}system configured and I have been thoroughly warned to disable automatic updates but I am not sure how to make that happen. I find lots of sites with ‘how to’s and they’re all different and all seem to be aimed at win10/home. What should I do? I’ve read about being able to “pause” updates for a week, but I’ve looked everywhere and I have no such setting [at least none that I can find].
I’ve been looking at the group policy editor for windows-update and that looks like a likely, but potentially dangerous place to mess around. they are *all* “Not configured”. I see one that looks promising: “Configure Automatic Updates”. As all the other policies it is neither enabled or disabled,k but just “not configured”. I see that it has a setting:
3 = (Default setting) Download the updates automatically and notify when they are ready to be installed
Windows finds updates that apply to the computer and downloads them in the background (the user is not notified or interrupted during this process). When the downloads are complete, users will be notified that they are ready to install. After going to Windows Update, users can install them.
This sounds like it handles updates to make them work just like in win7. If so, why so many odd things [the ‘pause’ that I can’t find, messing with metered downloading, or the BITS service or …]??? Is the only thing i have to do to get control over updates is to configure/enable this policy and leave it at its default [3]?