• Computer Time/Clock

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    Why do our computer clocks consistently run fast? We have XP and Win2000 systems that are various ages and they all run fast. We are using a software program for our time clock which takes the time from the computer system and we need this to be accurate. One answer I got was that the older processors tend to not be accurate, I find that bogus since our systems are all different ages and some within 2 years new. I reset the clock and it works it way back up to being 10 minutes fast. HELP!

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    • #971764

      Do you have your NTP ( network time protocol ) set to automatically adjust to Internet time?

      Your personal or network firewall may prevent clock synchronization. Most corporate and organizational firewalls will block time synchronization, as do some personal firewalls.

      • #971770

        How do I check this?

        • #971774

          Right click on the time on the lower right of the screen.
          click on adjust timedate>Internet time.
          Check the box for auto sync.

          • #971788

            To synchronize computer clock with the server clock, use the command (typing it into Start | Run dialog)

            NET TIME servername /SET /yes

            where servername is your server name on the network. You must be logon to the server to execute this command.
            If your computer is part of the domain, use /DOMAIN:domainname switch.

          • #972037

            It doesn’t give me that option. It just allows me to check the option of Time Zone and changing to time itself – that is all.

    • #971766

      If you are on a network, it’s possible that your IT department has synchronized all of the clients with the server. You can reset the individual client clocks to the correct time, but when the client checks with the server again, it is reset. Is it possible that the time on the server is wrong?

      • #971772

        I don’t believe that they were synchronized with the server and the individual computers are not always the same.

    • #971801


      Why do our computer clocks consistently run fast?

      [/indent]Because the clocks are cheap and inaccurate, and always have been!

      Are your computers on a domain or a workgroup? Do you have IT techies?

      There is LOTS of stuff you can find by Googling for windows time synchronization possibly including XP and/or 2000 in the search string.

      For example, you may have to give your users the Right to change the system time on their machine. See JSI Tip 1736


    • #972042

      This doesn’t answer your question but would it be possible for you to use something like Dimension4?

      Hve a Great day!!!

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