Hi All,
I know this is completely off topic, but I’m sincerely hoping that some kind soul will know the answer to my question, which really isn’t *that* important in the scheme of things, but would definitely bring about good charma.
I’m desperately trying to use Windows Media Player 10, since our wonderful company has decided I can no longer use Winamp. I have tried using the Microsoft newsgroups to get help, but my company has also decided to disable my ability to view those newsgroup posts. So much for being a developer….
Anyhow, my problem is this: I can’t seem to find a way to display the Library in Windows Media Player. I’ve been through all the help that shows you how to “Show the Menu Bar” and make sure that “Hide Taskbar” is not selected; changing any of these options does nothing for me. I have no taskbar, and no option to click to see the library. On the File menu I have all the options to Add files, etc to the library, but none of these options actually *displays* the library at any point.
I’m not sure if this is related to this issue, but it could be an important clue: At some point in the past (years ago), I chose the option to view WMP in Classic mode. I have not found a way to switch it *out* of classic mode, so maybe it’s not an issue?
This might not seem like a big deal, except that not seeing the library also means not being able to see playlists, id3 tags, and the like. I really need to get to these features so that I can have my tunes as I like them and be a happy developer.
If anyone has any clues, I really would be oh, so grateful!!!!