• Code help… (2000 SR-1)


    I’m sorry to be such a pain lately… I’m trying to write the following procedure and I’m not sure what the syntax for the commented lines would be… Can someone help me?… (Please let me know if you know of a better way to do this too…)

    Sub GetTotals()

    Dim rw As Integer, rwNew As Integer
    Dim mySheet As Object, dirSheet As Object, tieinSheet As Object

    Set mySheet = Worksheets(“ByDeptandProd”)
    Set dirSheet = Worksheets(“DIRByDept”)
    Set tieinSheet = Worksheets(“TieIn”)

    rwNew = 2

    For rw = 2 To 2000 ‘for each of the rows in Canadian Sheet
    If Right(Trim(mySheet.Cells(rw, 2).Value), 5) = “Total” Then
    tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 1) = mySheet.Cells(rw, 1)
    tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 2) = mySheet.Cells(rw, 2)
    tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 3) = mySheet.Cells(rw, 7)

    ‘Find matching value in column 2 of DirByDept sheet (ie… “001 Total” row on both sheets…)
    ‘If no match then
    ‘tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew,4) = 0
    ‘Else (there is a match)
    ‘tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew,4) = DirByDept row where the match is, column 8
    ‘End If

    rwNew = rwNew + 1
    End If
    Next rw

    Set mySheet = Nothing
    Set dirSheet = Nothing
    Set tieinSheet = Nothing

    End Sub

    Viewing 1 reply thread
    • #730309

      Hello Trudi,

      I would use the VLOOKUP worksheet function. You must avoid errors if there is no match.

      Dim dblValue As Double

      dblValue = 0
      On Error Resume Next
      dblValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Trim(mySheet.Cells(rw, 2).Value), _
      dirSheet.Range(“B:H”), 7, False)
      On Error GoTo 0
      tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 4) = dblValue

      You could also use MATCH and OFFSET.

      • #730331

        Thanks a million Hans! …I thought of Match and Offset, but I wasn’t sure…

        Your code works great… except that I forgot to deal with the changes in currency (column 1 on “ByDeptandProd” sheet)… so it finds the Canadian amounts when it has switched to USD… Oops… How would I do this with two conditions to match? For example… C$ 001 Total is different to U$ 001 Total…

        BTW… You’re the best! thankyou

        • #730337

          Is this like the spreadsheet you posted in the Access forum, i.e. currency is not repeated, or is the currency specified in every row?

          • #730358

            Nope… Not the same one… Different project… (I’m not having a good week!! sad)

            This is the workbook with 20 odd sheets and 1800 named ranges that I asked about before…
            Remember I posted wanting to know if it was possible to use the Subtotal levels in code… I was supposed to post back with an example but didn’t get a chance to… I decided it was easier to just look at the sheets as a whole and find the Total lines that I needed…

            I am pulling in the Currency from the line above each department total…
            tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 1) = mySheet.Cells(rw – 1, 1) ‘gets currency from line above total

            I’ll attach a sample workbook so that you can see what I am doing… It’s got dummy data and there are no company names or anything, so it will be okay…
            I deleted all the sheets and code that weren’t relevant…. Hopefully you’ll be able to see right away what I’m trying to do… The “TieIn” sheet is what we’re talking about right now…

            Thanks Hans!

            • #730479


              Just a note about your method of declaring variables from your first post in this thread:
              >>Dim rw As Integer, rwNew As Integer
              >>Dim mySheet As Object, dirSheet As Object, tieinSheet As Object

              You might want to look at Chip Person’s web site and see his article on declaring variables.
              If I understand him correctly, when you group your declarations together, as you have,
              only the first variable in your line is declared as the stated data type.
              Hence, rw is an integer , while rwNew is variant. (not so good as it requires more overhead)

              Others: Am I reading Chip correctly?


            • #730486

              Yes, you are correct about the variables!

            • #730487

              Yes, you are correct about the variables!

            • #730548

              Not entirely correct.

              Look at these two subs:

              Option Explicit
              Sub test()
                  Dim a As Long, b As String, c As Double
                  MsgBox TypeName(a)
                  MsgBox TypeName(
                  MsgBox TypeName©
              End Sub
              Sub test1()
                  Dim a, b, c As Double
                  MsgBox TypeName(a)
                  MsgBox TypeName(
                  MsgBox TypeName©
              End Sub

              When you run Test, you get three message boxes, stating:
              Long, String and Double

              When you run Test1, you get: Empty, Empty, Double.

              This indicates the first two are Variants and the last one is (as expected) a double.

            • #730549

              Not entirely correct.

              Look at these two subs:

              Option Explicit
              Sub test()
                  Dim a As Long, b As String, c As Double
                  MsgBox TypeName(a)
                  MsgBox TypeName(
                  MsgBox TypeName©
              End Sub
              Sub test1()
                  Dim a, b, c As Double
                  MsgBox TypeName(a)
                  MsgBox TypeName(
                  MsgBox TypeName©
              End Sub

              When you run Test, you get three message boxes, stating:
              Long, String and Double

              When you run Test1, you get: Empty, Empty, Double.

              This indicates the first two are Variants and the last one is (as expected) a double.

            • #730565

              You are not reading it correctly.
              Dim rw As Integer, rwNew As Integer
              Dim mySheet As Object, dirSheet As Object, tieinSheet As Object

              will work as expected and dim as desired.

              Dim rw, rwNew As Integer
              Dim mySheet, dirSheet, tieinSheet As Object

              is what Chip refers to as not being correct. Only the variables with the “As” are given the type and are not variants. He does mention a “preference” for keeping them all on one line, but that is not a requirement.


            • #730618

              Exactly what I thought… Thanks Steve…

            • #730619

              Exactly what I thought… Thanks Steve…

            • #730704

              Thanks for the clarification on this


            • #730705

              Thanks for the clarification on this


            • #730615

              Okay… I’m confused…

              Check this link out… This is what I was taught… (using VB6)???
              (go to the Declaring Variables part… )

            • #730632

              The text in the link is correct.

            • #730633

              The text in the link is correct.

            • #730616

              Okay… I’m confused…

              Check this link out… This is what I was taught… (using VB6)???
              (go to the Declaring Variables part… )

            • #730480


              Just a note about your method of declaring variables from your first post in this thread:
              >>Dim rw As Integer, rwNew As Integer
              >>Dim mySheet As Object, dirSheet As Object, tieinSheet As Object

              You might want to look at Chip Person’s web site and see his article on declaring variables.
              If I understand him correctly, when you group your declarations together, as you have,
              only the first variable in your line is declared as the stated data type.
              Hence, rw is an integer , while rwNew is variant. (not so good as it requires more overhead)

              Others: Am I reading Chip correctly?


            • #730540


              Now that I’ve taken a closer look at the code, I’m confused. The GetTotals procedure loops through the rows of the ByDeptAndProd sheet, and performs some actions only if column B contains “Total” (but not “Grand Total”). Why would you need to do a match on column B then? Your loop is already in the matching row, it seems to me, so you would only have to get the value from the correct column. Or am I missing it completely?

              By the way, you can make your code more efficient by avoiding the .Select method where possible. For example,

              Range(“A1:F1”).Font.Bold = False

              is better than

              Selection.Font.Bold = False

              It won’t matter much if you select a range once, but if you keep on selecting different ranges in code, you pay a performance penalty.

              You can also boost performance by not updating the display during code execution, but you should add that when your code is tested and true, not during development. Application.ScreenUpdating = False turns off updating, and Application.ScreenUpdating = True turns it on again.

            • #730628

              Thanks for the tips Hans! I reallllllyyy do appreciate any and all advice…

              I made the change to the code to add “and not Grand Total” because when I added the “row – 1” bit to get the Currency, I ended up getting “U$, Grand Total” on the bottom row of the data…. It was a quick fix, so it may not be right…

              I am getting the right data from the first sheet… It’s the amounts that I want to pull in from the “DIRByDept” sheet that aren’t… If you look at the third sheet you’ll see that the spot for the US Amounts from that sheet are coming in as the Canadian amounts… repeated from earlier rows…. I BELIEVE, because the code you helped me with is finding the first match for “001 Totals”, etc and stopping there… I need to SOMEHOW tell this thing that it’s now needing to find the US amounts OR to find the second match for “001 Totals” etc… Am I making any sense??

            • #730652

              VLOOKUP (as well as MATCH) will only find one hit.

              It is used when you expect to get only one value. If there are multiple ones, you can either use the .find method to go thru column or “manually” (via VB) loop thru the list and compare each value to your current value and “do something” when it matches.


            • #730658

              Okee dokee Steve…. Thanks! smile
              Sounds like it’s time to resort to plain old control breaks… laugh

              Have a great day!

            • #730659

              Okee dokee Steve…. Thanks! smile
              Sounds like it’s time to resort to plain old control breaks… laugh

              Have a great day!

            • #730653

              VLOOKUP (as well as MATCH) will only find one hit.

              It is used when you expect to get only one value. If there are multiple ones, you can either use the .find method to go thru column or “manually” (via VB) loop thru the list and compare each value to your current value and “do something” when it matches.


            • #730629

              Thanks for the tips Hans! I reallllllyyy do appreciate any and all advice…

              I made the change to the code to add “and not Grand Total” because when I added the “row – 1” bit to get the Currency, I ended up getting “U$, Grand Total” on the bottom row of the data…. It was a quick fix, so it may not be right…

              I am getting the right data from the first sheet… It’s the amounts that I want to pull in from the “DIRByDept” sheet that aren’t… If you look at the third sheet you’ll see that the spot for the US Amounts from that sheet are coming in as the Canadian amounts… repeated from earlier rows…. I BELIEVE, because the code you helped me with is finding the first match for “001 Totals”, etc and stopping there… I need to SOMEHOW tell this thing that it’s now needing to find the US amounts OR to find the second match for “001 Totals” etc… Am I making any sense??

            • #730541


              Now that I’ve taken a closer look at the code, I’m confused. The GetTotals procedure loops through the rows of the ByDeptAndProd sheet, and performs some actions only if column B contains “Total” (but not “Grand Total”). Why would you need to do a match on column B then? Your loop is already in the matching row, it seems to me, so you would only have to get the value from the correct column. Or am I missing it completely?

              By the way, you can make your code more efficient by avoiding the .Select method where possible. For example,

              Range(“A1:F1”).Font.Bold = False

              is better than

              Selection.Font.Bold = False

              It won’t matter much if you select a range once, but if you keep on selecting different ranges in code, you pay a performance penalty.

              You can also boost performance by not updating the display during code execution, but you should add that when your code is tested and true, not during development. Application.ScreenUpdating = False turns off updating, and Application.ScreenUpdating = True turns it on again.

          • #730359

            Nope… Not the same one… Different project… (I’m not having a good week!! sad)

            This is the workbook with 20 odd sheets and 1800 named ranges that I asked about before…
            Remember I posted wanting to know if it was possible to use the Subtotal levels in code… I was supposed to post back with an example but didn’t get a chance to… I decided it was easier to just look at the sheets as a whole and find the Total lines that I needed…

            I am pulling in the Currency from the line above each department total…
            tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 1) = mySheet.Cells(rw – 1, 1) ‘gets currency from line above total

            I’ll attach a sample workbook so that you can see what I am doing… It’s got dummy data and there are no company names or anything, so it will be okay…
            I deleted all the sheets and code that weren’t relevant…. Hopefully you’ll be able to see right away what I’m trying to do… The “TieIn” sheet is what we’re talking about right now…

            Thanks Hans!

        • #730338

          Is this like the spreadsheet you posted in the Access forum, i.e. currency is not repeated, or is the currency specified in every row?

      • #730332

        Thanks a million Hans! …I thought of Match and Offset, but I wasn’t sure…

        Your code works great… except that I forgot to deal with the changes in currency (column 1 on “ByDeptandProd” sheet)… so it finds the Canadian amounts when it has switched to USD… Oops… How would I do this with two conditions to match? For example… C$ 001 Total is different to U$ 001 Total…

        BTW… You’re the best! thankyou

    • #730310

      Hello Trudi,

      I would use the VLOOKUP worksheet function. You must avoid errors if there is no match.

      Dim dblValue As Double

      dblValue = 0
      On Error Resume Next
      dblValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Trim(mySheet.Cells(rw, 2).Value), _
      dirSheet.Range(“B:H”), 7, False)
      On Error GoTo 0
      tieinSheet.Cells(rwNew, 4) = dblValue

      You could also use MATCH and OFFSET.

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