• Charts Referencing Zero’s (1)


    When I have a chart whith formulas as its source data, I have an if statement to determine if the figure is zero. If the figure is zero I set the true value to “”. The chart plots this a a zero, I want it the chart to skip this plot, how do I do this?

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    • #567383

      Cindy, replace the “” with #N/A. Your formula should look somthing like:

      • #567387

        Sam, this then displays #N/A, I was not clear enough. I want the cell to be empty, as it is part of a report. Is there a way to have a Null ( empty cell)?

        • #567390

          That would be having your cake and eating it too! Assuming that you don’t use “” anywhere else you could record a maco to replace all the NA() with “” and vice-versa. If you have “” elsewhere, then replace NA() with ” ” (bunch of spaces in the quotes). HTH –Sam

    • #567385

      I think that you need to set the value to NA() rather than “”


    • #567391

      Could you use conditional formating to hide the font when NA#, White on White?


      • #567400

        Genius! But I cannot get it to work! hmmn Can you fix the attached worksheet with conditional formatting!

        • #567402

          not sure how to do it properly so I used reverse logic smile
          Formated the cell to a white font and used Conditional formating to turn if black if greater than -1!!

          Of course you would have to pick a number out side of the possible range for you data

          Not sure how to send the sheet back to the forum though

          • #567405

            That works, but I really hate it! However, don’t knock sucess. Thanks, Peter! I have attached the worksheet. To summarize, we used the NA() function, formatted the font color white, and conditionally formatted the font color black when the cell was > -65,000. See attached final product.

        • #567590

          See attached – you need to use Formula Is =ISNA(C4).

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