• Changing location of pivot table data source… (2000 SR-3)

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    Hello everyone…

    Does anyone know how I would change the location of a database that is the source of data for a pivot table?
    If I refresh the data, it says that the data isn’t found (at the old location) which is correct… but where do I go to change it to look for the same table, same database name, but at a different path?


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    • #782737

      Right click on the pivot table

      Select the new range


      • #782741

        I tried that… It keeps giving me a Login window… prompting me for Authorization… and password… The default user is Admin… I ignored that and selected Database and the path, but it never saves it…
        Any idea what’s wrong?

        • #782751

          Try changing it in the immediate window:
          Alt-F11 to get to VB, Ctrl-G to open immediate window then enter:
          activesheet.pivottables(1).sourcedata = “‘Sheet 1’!A1:D100″

          or if on another workbook:
          activesheet.pivottables(1).sourcedata=”‘[wkb Name.xls]Sheet 1’!A1:D100”

          Change Pivot index, workbook, sheetname and range as appropriate. You must have the sheet with the desired pivot table active

          You can use

          to determine what the source data is currently.


          • #782787

            Thanks Steve… I really appreciate the help, but all I get is “DataType Mismatch” error… even when I just put… ?activesheet.pivottables(1).sourcedata …in the Immediate window… I’ve checked out the object browser and tried to use the pivottable object, pivottables collection, pivotcache… etc… I’m not having any luck…
            The only thing I can get to return anything is this statement… It actually finds that there is a pivottable…

            ?Worksheets(“BOC SUMM”).pivottables.count

            Lot’s of good that does me huh?… laugh

            • #782826

              ?Worksheets(“BOC SUMM”).pivottables(1).sourcedata

              do anything?


            • #782848

              Just gives me… Run-time error 13 – Type Mismatch…

              Well I have it fixed now… Don’t ask me exactly how… crazy

              Here’s what I did… Copied the worksheet… Deleted the pivot table on the new sheet… Used the wizard to create a new pivot table with the new source… Started playing with formating and totals and things… Refreshed the data… etc…. (all on the new sheet)

              But check this out…. On a whim I decided to try refresh the data on the old worksheet… and instead of the error about not finding the external database, the data updated from the location specified on the new sheet… Go figure?!?! …I’ve deleted my copied sheet and left the old one (since it’s in the right format and sort) … and it’s fine… ?!?!?!
              It drives me batty when I fix things and I don’t know how I did it… laugh

              Anyway… Thanks for all of your help Steve… thankyou

            • #782849

              Just gives me… Run-time error 13 – Type Mismatch…

              Well I have it fixed now… Don’t ask me exactly how… crazy

              Here’s what I did… Copied the worksheet… Deleted the pivot table on the new sheet… Used the wizard to create a new pivot table with the new source… Started playing with formating and totals and things… Refreshed the data… etc…. (all on the new sheet)

              But check this out…. On a whim I decided to try refresh the data on the old worksheet… and instead of the error about not finding the external database, the data updated from the location specified on the new sheet… Go figure?!?! …I’ve deleted my copied sheet and left the old one (since it’s in the right format and sort) … and it’s fine… ?!?!?!
              It drives me batty when I fix things and I don’t know how I did it… laugh

              Anyway… Thanks for all of your help Steve… thankyou

            • #782857

              Forget my last post… I went back into the xls file…and guess what?… I’m getting the error about the old path again… WTH is going on?????
              There’s no way this should be this difficult…

            • #782982

              I am afraid I don’t understand what is going on. I played with pivot tables linked to other files with no problem. Is there any code running that changes the pivot?

              Step thru this code and stop when “End Sub” is highlighted

              Sub play()
                  Dim pt As PivotTable
                  Set pt = Worksheets("BOC SUMM").PivotTables(1)
              End Sub

              Now in “locals window” (view -locals window) open up the “+” by PT object and look at properties. You should be able to see some property that lists the “source data” what does it say? The ones I create are sourcedata and they should be string, why you would get a type mismatch when you try to print this property, I don’t understand.


            • #782983

              I am afraid I don’t understand what is going on. I played with pivot tables linked to other files with no problem. Is there any code running that changes the pivot?

              Step thru this code and stop when “End Sub” is highlighted

              Sub play()
                  Dim pt As PivotTable
                  Set pt = Worksheets("BOC SUMM").PivotTables(1)
              End Sub

              Now in “locals window” (view -locals window) open up the “+” by PT object and look at properties. You should be able to see some property that lists the “source data” what does it say? The ones I create are sourcedata and they should be string, why you would get a type mismatch when you try to print this property, I don’t understand.


            • #782858

              Forget my last post… I went back into the xls file…and guess what?… I’m getting the error about the old path again… WTH is going on?????
              There’s no way this should be this difficult…

            • #782827

              ?Worksheets(“BOC SUMM”).pivottables(1).sourcedata

              do anything?


          • #782788

            Thanks Steve… I really appreciate the help, but all I get is “DataType Mismatch” error… even when I just put… ?activesheet.pivottables(1).sourcedata …in the Immediate window… I’ve checked out the object browser and tried to use the pivottable object, pivottables collection, pivotcache… etc… I’m not having any luck…
            The only thing I can get to return anything is this statement… It actually finds that there is a pivottable…

            ?Worksheets(“BOC SUMM”).pivottables.count

            Lot’s of good that does me huh?… laugh

        • #782752

          Try changing it in the immediate window:
          Alt-F11 to get to VB, Ctrl-G to open immediate window then enter:
          activesheet.pivottables(1).sourcedata = “‘Sheet 1’!A1:D100″

          or if on another workbook:
          activesheet.pivottables(1).sourcedata=”‘[wkb Name.xls]Sheet 1’!A1:D100”

          Change Pivot index, workbook, sheetname and range as appropriate. You must have the sheet with the desired pivot table active

          You can use

          to determine what the source data is currently.


      • #782742

        I tried that… It keeps giving me a Login window… prompting me for Authorization… and password… The default user is Admin… I ignored that and selected Database and the path, but it never saves it…
        Any idea what’s wrong?

      • #782743

        I’ve even gone into MS Query and edited the SQL to say the proper path… but it doesn’t change on the workbook itself… I saved the query but that doesn’t help…

        • #782763

          One thing I noticed while playing (that might be related) is that creating reference to a different workbook, does not create a link. My experiments seem to indicate that it might only update when the other workbook is open. If you don’t open the other workbook, it will not update.

          So you can’t really point it to a different file and expect different results: open the source file, then refresh.

          If you want it to be “live”, then LINK in your pivot workbook to the workbook source data (this will update) and then have the pivot point to the data in the workbook that has the pivot. The data will then be “live” and refreshable without having to open the other workbook.


          • #782792

            The datasource is a table in an Access 97 database… The only thing that has changed is the path…
            I can change the path in the SQL statement in MS Query… but it doesn’t save it… I’ll try with the database open and see what happens…
            I’ve started trying to recreate the table from scratch… but what a pain this is… sad

          • #782793

            The datasource is a table in an Access 97 database… The only thing that has changed is the path…
            I can change the path in the SQL statement in MS Query… but it doesn’t save it… I’ll try with the database open and see what happens…
            I’ve started trying to recreate the table from scratch… but what a pain this is… sad

        • #782764

          One thing I noticed while playing (that might be related) is that creating reference to a different workbook, does not create a link. My experiments seem to indicate that it might only update when the other workbook is open. If you don’t open the other workbook, it will not update.

          So you can’t really point it to a different file and expect different results: open the source file, then refresh.

          If you want it to be “live”, then LINK in your pivot workbook to the workbook source data (this will update) and then have the pivot point to the data in the workbook that has the pivot. The data will then be “live” and refreshable without having to open the other workbook.


      • #782744

        I’ve even gone into MS Query and edited the SQL to say the proper path… but it doesn’t change on the workbook itself… I saved the query but that doesn’t help…

    • #782738

      Right click on the pivot table

      Select the new range


    • #782759

      Try if you can do it with my flexfind utility: First time just have it search for a back slash (check the objects checkbox).
      Next time search for the full pat and replace with the new path.

      Download the utility at my website below.

      • #782773

        Thanks Jan… I already have your FlexFind utility… (Thank you very much BTW! smile)
        But it’s not finding anything when I search for a back slash… frown … even with the objects checkbox checked)

        • #783076

          Could you send me a strippend down version of your file (maybe by attaching it here)?

        • #783077

          Could you send me a strippend down version of your file (maybe by attaching it here)?

      • #782774

        Thanks Jan… I already have your FlexFind utility… (Thank you very much BTW! smile)
        But it’s not finding anything when I search for a back slash… frown … even with the objects checkbox checked)

      • #782775

        As I kind of implied in my other post, I don’t think the path is even stored with the pivot only the workbook name.


        • #782790

          Sorry Steve… Didn’t get that far… I was playing with code… lol

        • #782791

          Sorry Steve… Didn’t get that far… I was playing with code… lol

      • #782776

        As I kind of implied in my other post, I don’t think the path is even stored with the pivot only the workbook name.


    • #782760

      Try if you can do it with my flexfind utility: First time just have it search for a back slash (check the objects checkbox).
      Next time search for the full pat and replace with the new path.

      Download the utility at my website below.

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