• Change Printer (Word 2000 SP3)


    I have a menu button to change printer in certain circumstances ( for a draft print for example). My code is this:
    ActivePrinter “New Name”
    Printout etc
    ActivePrinter “Default Name”

    This works and resets the printer to default where “Default Printer” is the actual name of the dp. What I would like is a wasy of actually saying go back to the default without using its name ie just default. That way if I schange the default printer I don’t have to change the code. I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere but I’ve searched the references and can’t find it.

    Anyone know if it’s possible and if so how?



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    • #698654

      (Edited by jscher2000 on 31-Jul-03 12:09. I remembered there was a typo…)

      Here’s a post from last September that is very step by step. There are weird characters in it that were supposed to be HTML “non-breaking spaces” so if you see those, please ignore them. When the Lounge is fully restored to its new home, you can use this link: post 174601. Until then… please see the attached.

      Added: the line activeprinter.printout should be activedocument.printout (but you’d figure that out eventually smile )

    • #698706

      To answer your question more directly, simply store the name of the ActivePrinter in a string variable:

      dim strPrinterWas as String
      strPrinterWas = ActivePrinter

      ‘ your code to set the new printer and print goes here

      ActivePrinter = strPrinterWas

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