I recently installed OneDrive and found that it created WAY too many problems. Uninstalled OneDrive. I’m still left with Outlook issues, identified on another prior post and still unresolved, and an issue with the Word default save location. Before OneDrive, the default save location was C:\Users\Don & Lulu\Documents\Word Files. After OneDrive it was changed to C:\Users\Don & Lulu\OneDrive\Documents. NOTE: no Word Files folder. I have spent countless hours trying to revert the default save to its original location without success. I’ve tried deleting the OneDrive entry and both browsing to the former location and typing it in. Nothing works! I get an error message that “The directory C:\Users\Don & Lulu\Documents\Word Files is not valid.” This is despite the fact that I can go directly there using File Explorer, so it DOES exist. So, I can’t do any work with Word since I’m unable to save new documents, access existing documents or modify them. I do NOT have this issue with Excel for some reason???
I would REALLY appreciate some advice on this.
D. Eager