• Ccleaner update


    All install flavors (standard, basic, slim) of version 1.37.456 may be obtained from CCleaner.com.



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    • #1049522


    • #1049545

      Just to add a bit more information to this . . .

      CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) 1.37.456

      Latest Changes:

      • Added support for loading/saving settings to an INI file rather than the registry
      • Added summary log for cleaning Firefox/Mozilla temporary files
      • Added file drag-and-drop support to the Custom File list
      • Improved Vista compatibility
      • Improved 64-bit OS support
      • Added filename wiping to secure deletion
      • Added cleaning for Adobe Reader 8.0, IZArc, OpenOffice 2.1, PerfectDisk 8.0
      • Updated cleaning for Nero and Flash Player
      • Several performance improvements
      • Major language translation updates
      • Minor stability improvements
      • Minor bug fixes
        [/list]Download the “Slim” version here: Slim Version – No Yahoo Toolbar & English only
      • #1049546

        Thanks Joe and Jeff.
        CCleaner is becoming one of the file cleaner Super Stars.
        Very reliable.

    • #1049653

      My reply is to your post, Joe, but since there are four of you here who seem to be “regular” users, I have a couple of questions for all or any of you. I’ve not used the product but just decided to give it a download to check it out. Searching The Lounge there are plenty of threads to read and from this fairly recent one ( post 614,256 ) I do see some of the reservations that have been expressed, i.e. cookies, etc. Are there any other aspects of the program that should be avoided and once you “un-tick” the things you DON’T want done, does it remember those settings the next time? I took their little tour on the site and it looks like a better way to cleanup than the manual methods I use, along with XP’s cleanmgr.exe.

      • #1049675

        I had a problem some time ago with CCleaner removing all my customizations in Access. I have cleared the check box for Office in the Cleaner > Applications section. The problem may well be solved in recent versions, but I haven’t tried it again.
        I have also unticked the check boxes for some other features, such as cookies (I manage those myself) and the list of recently used documents.
        CCleaner stores all these settings. Apart from the glitch mentioned above, I haven’t experienced any problems with it.

      • #1049686


        I’ve really quit using it. I just posted it ’cause I knew there were several users here. I just didn’t run it often enough and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll manage what, when, and how I want. I’m very particular about where I surf, what I download, what I save, etc. So, I refuse to be paranoid about what is on my PC. I don’t care about cookies, MRU, TIFF, log files, etc. I just periodically check the temp folder under local settings and that is about it. If I had been a little smarter about using throwaway e-mail addresses and web based mail, I’d quit using all A/V and anti-spyware apps also.



        • #1049716


          …I’d quit using all A/V and anti-spyware apps also…

          [/indent]Oooohh! Radical man, radical! evilgrin

      • #1049750

        Except for cookies, I use it as is, out of the box and have not seen any problems.
        As you might have surmised from some of my other posts, I am not a junk collector or a leave everything as is type.
        I like to think I run a clean, mean machine, so CCleaner is one of the tools I use to keep it that way.

      • #1049753


        I’m one of those who runs CCleaner nightly to get rid of the junk on my system. I have NEVER had a problem with running either the “Cleaner” or “Issues” utilities. To answer your question, because I am running IE7 I uncheck “Delete index.dat files” because it deletes cookies even if you have “Cookies” unchecked. I rely upon Spybot S&D’s “Ignore Cookies” feature to keep the cookies I want and to remove the rest. I also have unchecked “Autocomplete Forum History” and “Last Download Location” and I have nothing checked in the last “Advanced” section either. Since the “Cleaner” utility only removes “junk”, there is little or no risk of having something critical removed. However, in the “Issues” section, since it is a mini-Registry Cleaner (Lite), you are prompted to save a backup of the items it finds and you choose to remove (I always remove everything it finds), there is little risk for that either. The backup file is a “.reg” file which you can easily double-click to restore the items back to the Registry if need be. Again, I personally have never had a problem using CCleaner on my own PC’s nor any of my many client’s PC’s, on which I always install a copy of CCleaner and encourage them all to use it regularly. YMMV. grin


        • #1049824

          Thanks for all the comments and ideas folks. I installed it yesterday and took a look through all the nav bar selections. I just need to assess a conservative way to start a tryout and then I’ll give ‘er a test run. Thanks again.

    • #1165590


      Thanks Joe. I found this post in looking for cleaners.
      I’ve been using EasyCleaner for four years, but it has no command line interface (that I can see).
      I found a reference to CleanMgr.exe and tried that, and then I found CCleaner (220). http://www.piriform.com/

      Here are the results of my crude experiment:
      1. Ran EasyCleaner. It found 865 files for deletion. I left it/them sitting there.
      2. Ran CleanMgr.exe /dc:
      3. Re-Ran EasyCleaner. It found 242 files for deletion. I left it/them sitting there.
      4. Ran CCleaner.exe
      5. Re-Ran EasyCleaner. It found 9 files for deletion. I tried deleting them and had 6 unresolvable files; that is, easy Cleaner managed to delete 3 more files than CCleaner.

      I now have a small batch file to run on demand
      “C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner.exe” /AUTO


      • #1165591

        I’ve been using EasyCleaner for four years, but it has no command line interface (that I can see).

        How about this search?


        Plethora means a lot to me.

        • #1165592

          How about this search?

          Trying to play the pedant here: your Google search is for CCleaner; Chris mentioned that EasyCleaner didn’t have a command line interface…

          • #1165594

            Trying to play the pedant here: your Google search is for CCleaner; Chris mentioned that EasyCleaner didn’t have a command line interface…

            I was relying on Chris’s final paragraph
            I now have a small batch file to run on demand
            “C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner.exe” /AUTO

            and the documentation points out that the command-line version won’t do any registry cleanup, presumably for very good reasons…

            The EasyCleaner webpage says:
            Other info
            Don’t use command line parameters. Not implemented yet! And help files are only partly done in English.

            * Command line parameters


            Plethora means a lot to me.

            • #1165599

              The nest of pedants duly noted …

              … command-line version won’t do any registry cleanup, presumably for very good reasons…

              I rarely find a good reason for inhibiting batch operations, current company included(!).
              My experience teaches me that the more rules there are, the more rules have to be programmed, and the more complex the program becomes, the less likely it is to function well.

              Writers of Registry Cleaner software are over-cautious, there is always a way around it – allow batch cleaning providing that the user has passed some test of experience.

              Inhibit batch registry cleaning until the end-user has completed, say, 40 registry cleaning sessions. That, if nothing else, might be a sign that the user is either very satisfied with the hit rate, or just doesn’t care anyway and clicks OK without looking.
              After 4(?) years of daily use I’m very happy with EasyCleaner’s accurate success, and would have no qualms turning it loose at startup or at shutdown.

        • #1165598

          How about this search?

          Almost as good as This search on EasyCleaner(grin)
          “Don’t use command line parameters. Not implemented yet! “

    • #1165615


      Further, I found that CCleaner operates only the root drive of C:.
      As This post says, “You can include folders on other drives one by one, but it’s a hassle”, but for me not at all bad.
      Most of my work is done on TrueCrypt encrypted drives, and for some obscure reason (probably of my own making) my files are stored in two folder trees “G:Greaves” and “P:Pers”. Adding those two folders gets around the problem of the root drives G: and P:.

      My D: root is inaccessible to CCleaner, but since I rarely work in there, I can live with that.

      30 minutes later:
      Scrub that idea!
      Something, I know not what, appears to have scrubbed almost all of my G:Greaves and P:Pers folders.
      Thank heavens for backups!

    • #1165629

      All install flavors (standard, basic, slim) of version 1.37.456 may be obtained from CCleaner.com.

      I’m confused. When I go to the link provided, version 2.20.920–standard, basic, slim–is the download indicated, not 1.37.456.

      • #1165635

        I’m confused. When I go to the link provided, version 2.20.920–standard, basic, slim–is the download indicated, not 1.37.456.

        This topic started in February 2007. The link posted by Joe Perez always points to the download of the most recent version. Not surprisingly, the current version is different from that of two years ago.
        Chris Greaves caused the confusion by posting in a thread that had been inactive for more than 2 years.

        • #1165669

          This topic started in February 2007. The link posted by Joe Perez always points to the download of the most recent version. Not surprisingly, the current version is different from that of two years ago.
          Chris Greaves caused the confusion by posting in a thread that had been inactive for more than 2 years.

          Certainly, confusion. Most of the responses were in 2007. I would think a new, current post relating to the topic is more appropriate.

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