• Can’t reference data in hidden form (Access XP SP2)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Can’t reference data in hidden form (Access XP SP2)


    A couple of us are converting an enormous and complicated Access 97 database to XP. The conversion goes like butter, but of course, we are testing everything to make sure that it all works as it did in the earlier version.

    My partner is receiving tons of errors, while so far, I have not crashed while doing the same operations on the same data.
    One of those things that “does not work” for my partner (which works well for me) seems to be the ability of the program to read a value on a hidden form that remains loaded throughout a session.

    We have matched our references, and the only difference in the references is that she has a slightly later version of DAO360.dll. Other than that, she has loaded lots of programming items that I do not have — VB, .net, and I’m not sure what versions.

    I _thought_ I had seen something that related to a flukey problem like this on this Lounge — but after tons of searching yesterday here, and on Microsoft and not finding an Access hidden-form problem match, I thought I’d ask, hopefully this is not a duplicate of an earlier thread.


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    • #939604

      There should be no problem getting values from a hidden form. Things to try:
      – Decompile the database (search this forum for information on decompile)
      – Then compile the code (Debug | Compile in the Visual Basic Editor)
      – Compact the database (Tools | Database Uitilities | Compact and Repair Database in Access itself)

      • #939711

        (Edited by Patricia W on 07-Apr-05 23:31. )

        Hi, Hans and Charlotte,
        Well, I think we’ve identified the problem although it is not consistent, and — I will do what you recommend (I’ve already recompiled/compacted several times, but haven’t decompiled – and this database has been in production since it’s 2.0 version).
        I suspect that the real root of the problem is a piece of code which gets the user logonname from the registry, finding it based on the NT platform which still worked even though we moved up to XP, but may not be consistent from machine to machine — or somehow breaks — well, it seems to work in Access ’97 on XP machines, still seems to work on my XP machine after conversion to Access XP, but may be the thing that is flukey on one machine if the form is hidden (doesn’t seem to make sense), and breaks on another co-worker’s machine whether the form is hidden or not. We’ll switch to use the “GetUserName” code instead of trying to get the MachineID
        Anyway, I’ll work the steps (better code to replace that kludgey call, decompile, recompile, compact) and I’ll get back to you in a coupla days!

        • #939929

          Follow up: Still have the mystery of the hidden form not working on the other developer’s machine, but the reason it wasn’t working for my other co-worker was resolved today, and it was such a stupid error — just that their initials hadn’t been entered into an access table . It isn’t a DAO360 error, as this coworker has the particular version that the broken co-worker has.

          Haven’t decompiled/recompiled yet, though. Will respond with more later,


    • #939608

      I have .Net, VB6, IIS, SQL Server and a bunch of other tools on my machine and haven’t seen problems like that in Access XP, so I suspect Hans has given you the best advice for this situation.

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