• Can't Get Windows to Sleep


    Following a hard drive failure, I have a new drive with a fresh installation of Vista Ultimate on it. I have installed all the updates.
    On the old drive, my start menu USED to have an option to either sleep or hibernate, along with shutdown and restart. On this installation, “sleep” is grayed out and doesn’t work, and hibernate isn’t there at all.
    In the Power options area, there are options to turn off display, but I can’t find any options to sleep (or hibernate).
    Because I often run on battery for long periods during meetings I used the sleep function frequently and would like to have it back.
    Please advise.

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    • #1217164

      Did this machine come with Vista Ultimate and you used the DVDs that came with this machine?

      If not, have you gone to the OEM and downloaded, and install all Vista drivers and software for this make and model?

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

    • #1217587

      Thanks Dave.

      The machine DID come with Vista Ultimate installed on it. However, this is the first machine I have ever purchased that did NOT come with any kind of backup or restore disks whatsoever (It’s a Toshiba machine, and I bought it directly from Toshiba, so I’m sure everything is legit). AND…..it’s the first time I’ve ever NEEDED restore or backup disks)

      I’ll talk with my computer guy and see what he says about this suggestion. I’m not sure where he got the version that he installed on the new hard drive.


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