• Can’t close Excel (Office XP for Students and Teachers)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » Can’t close Excel (Office XP for Students and Teachers)


    I suddenly can’t close Excel. It saves OK, but when I try to close the app (click on the ‘x’) I get an error message saying “Excel has encountered a problem and must close”, with the option to send the error message or not. (attachment) I’ve tried both options but in either case I seem to be lost in an infinite loop, saying “Excel has recovered your file” (tried to have a 2nd attachment but it didn’t work) and I then try to save it and close — wheeee, back to the first error message.
    I have the original CDs so if necessary, I can remove MS Office and re-install, if there isn’t anything easier that would keep my data (like the .pst files for Outlook!) — of course the XL, Word, and PPT files are saved in My Documents. And I could make (another) backup of my Outlook messages. (I have a weekly backup of that on my external backup hard drive.)
    On another topic: Is it possible to a) have more than one attachment, or insert small (<50kb) files into the message?

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    • #964975

      You could try running “Help > Detect and Repair…”

      In addition check out the options in Systematic Approach to Behavioral Problems in XL

      • #965032

        Tony — thanks for the suggestions. I will try both.

    • #964976

      Although originally meant for startup problems, it might be worthwhile to check out Jan Karel Pieterse’s Systematic Approach to Behavioral Problems in XL.

      You can attach only one file to a post, but that can be a zip file containing multiple files. The size of the zip file must be less than 100 KB.

      • #965031

        Tony also suggested the “Systematic Approach…” so I will definitely try that.
        As to the multiple attachment question, I never thought of a zip file, which would have solved my problem, since I’d already reduced the file size of the .jpg files so that the would have fit in a folder that would be smaller than 100 KB.

        Thanks for the help.


    • #965040

      Thanks to everyone for the help you gave me. Unfortunately, nothing worked until I completely removed and re-installed MS Office. But that was relatively painless, just a tad time-consuming. Even the remove application was so good on keeping internal files, that the first time I opened Excel, I got the same problematical file again — aaaarrrgh! But when I closed it, it behaved, and the new file opened nice and blank; opening a recent document was just the way it should be, with all the data entry I did yesterday. While this was a bit of a pain, I wasn’t totally upset, since I had done a complete HD backup only two days ago!

      Thanks again.

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