• Cancel a close


    Does anyone know how to cancel a mistaken close in Outlook? I’ve had two users ask me that in the last couple of days. Once they click on the close button (x), and they get a message about clearing the deleted items folder, is there any way to back out? I’ve tried everything I can think of. I’m pretty sure the answer is “No,” but I promised I’d check. Thanks. (OL2K on Windows 2K)

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    • #528722

      I’ve seen this question twice this week too. smile

      No, unless you use VBA to trap the close command and confirm it.

    • #528786

      Is there a problem in closing Outlook, other than the settings are to empty the deleted folder on close?

      Tools | Options | Other gives you the choice toautomatically empty deleted on exit – I don’t have it selected having clicked that little x by mistake once too often.

      • #528806

        Thanks, MJ and Leif. No Leif, there’s no problem with the delete process. It’s just that every once in awhile these folks (and I’ve done it, too), click the wrong close button (x) and really don’t want to close Outlook. Unfortunately, once you’ve clicked the Outlook x, there doesn’t seem to be any way to stop the process, short of programming. Thanks again for comments.

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