• Can you organise a meeting that you don’t attend? (OL 2002 SP2 Exch 2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Can you organise a meeting that you don’t attend? (OL 2002 SP2 Exch 2000)

    • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago.


    Is there a way to be the organizer for a meeting without being an attendee? confused

    (I understand how to be a delegate to someone else – but that isn’t the requirement – this is ad-hoc meeting organization).

    Thanks in advance.

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    • #808992

      FWIW, I can’t figure out a way to initiate a meeting from my Outlook client where I’m NOT the Organizer. You could do it by delegation or by perhaps using a resource as organizer (though I don’t have a way to test this). How about organizing it and then deleting it from your Calendar without sending a Cancellation notice?

      • #809011

        Thanks John – I suspected as much. grin
        Yes deleting it afterwards seems to work OK – even if the recipients are a little confused as to where you are.
        For the record, using a resource as organizer only works if you take the effort to login as the resource – all a bit hard.

      • #809012

        Thanks John – I suspected as much. grin
        Yes deleting it afterwards seems to work OK – even if the recipients are a little confused as to where you are.
        For the record, using a resource as organizer only works if you take the effort to login as the resource – all a bit hard.

    • #808993

      FWIW, I can’t figure out a way to initiate a meeting from my Outlook client where I’m NOT the Organizer. You could do it by delegation or by perhaps using a resource as organizer (though I don’t have a way to test this). How about organizing it and then deleting it from your Calendar without sending a Cancellation notice?

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