• Can only make certain combo box selections (97)

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    Can only make certain combo box selections
    The row source type for my bound control is from a table. The rowsource is a query based on the table. Essentially combo shows a retailer and retailer store number as well as the retailer name. What I

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    • #582987

      Can you post the query? Or something else that will give more information?

      • #582990


        • #582996

          Is it that you physically can’t select other stores from the combo, or when you select a store it always does the next process as if you’ve chosen the first store?

          • #582998

            Well, I can physically

            • #583011

              You’ll have to check how many columns you are using in the combo and which column is bound. Since you have so many columns in the query behind the combo, my guess is that you’ve made RetailerNumber the bound column rather than the combination of RetailerStoreNumber. When the user selects from the combo, only RetailerNumber is passed and it’s just selecting the first record that relates to RetailerNumber, which is Store 0001.

              Also, is your calculated column also available in the records that you want to go to? You might have to create a single unique key that is available in both and use that to refer to the next step (you didn’t say what you’re doing with the combo data once a selection is made).

              Let me know how you make out.

              Cecilia 🙂

            • #583016


            • #583018

              You’re welcome 🙂

            • #583022

              Problem though, sorry!


            • #583026

              I’m not sure what you’re doing with the results of the combo box, but if you’re displaying records based on the choice, you can always write code that combines the two (ie. cboMyCombo.Column(1) & cboMyCombo.Column(2)) and combines them in the destination for comparison.

              I know, clear as mud. But it would help to know what step you’re doing next.

            • #583028

              Well the combo has 10 columns most of which are hidden, they

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