• Calculating Age (Access 2000)


    I need an EASY way to calculate age in Access 2000, either in a query (preferred) or on a report (not preferred but necessary). I have a DOB field (date of birth configured as date/time).

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    • #545887

      If you don’t want it exact to the day then your query needs a calculated field ,say, AGE:(Now()-[DOB])/365. Assuming your field is called[DOB] and you want your new field to be called [AGE]. This should give you the age in years to 2 (or more) decimal places (i haven’t actually tried it but I’m pretty sure).
      Peter Herworth

    • #545906

      If you need just the years-old (not months, days, etc.) then try something like:

      SELECT Names.Name, Names.DOB, Year(Date())-Year([DOB])+((Month(Date())<=Month([DOB])) And (Day(Date())<Day([DOB]))) AS Age
      FROM [Names];

      Easy? You decide.

    • #545911

      These work for me in calculating age in years and months. HTH.

      Function AgeInYears(Bdate As Long)
      Dim age
      If IsNull(Bdate) Or Bdate > Now Then
      age = Null
      Exit Function
      End If

      AgeInYears = Year(Now) – Year(Bdate) + (DateSerial(Year(Now), _
      Month(Bdate), Day(Bdate)) > Now)

      End Function

      Function AgeInMonths(Bdate As Long)
      Dim age
      Dim AgeTemp
      If IsNull(Bdate) Or Bdate > Now Then
      age = Null
      Exit Function
      End If

      AgeTemp = DateDiff(“m”, Bdate, Now) + (Day(Bdate) > Day(Now))
      AgeTemp = AgeTemp / 12 – Int(AgeTemp / 12)
      AgeInMonths = Format(AgeTemp * 12, “##”)

      End Function

      Select * from table
      ORDER BY Ageinyears([dtmBirthdate]), AgeInMonths([dtmBirthdate]);

    • #545964

      you can use this in a query

      age: DateDiff(“yyyy”, [BirthDate], Now()) + Int(Format(Now(), “mmdd”) < Format([BirthDate], "mmdd"))
      or in a form

      textbox = DateDiff("yyyy", [BirthDate], Now()) + Int(Format(Now(), "mmdd") < Format([BirthDate], "mmdd"))
      it will give the age in whole years

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