• Bypassing switchboard (A2K)


    When I was trying to trouble shoot a problem in a database installed in a remote location, holding down the shift key would not bypass the Switchboard. The operator unsuccessfully tried numerous times.

    The bypass worked perfectly on my computer on a copy of the database which was E-mailed to me. The remote location is running Windows XP Home Edition and Access 2000. My computer is running on Windows 98 with Access 2000 SP3.

    Also when I had the operator left click on Help, she reported that there were only 2 items displayed
    1. Microsoft Access Help F1
    2. What’s This

    About Microsoft Access was not displayed so I was unable to determine what service packs were installed. SP3 is installed in our other locations.

    Any suggestions?


    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #1002521

      It is possible to disable Shift as bypass key, but if that was done in this database, it should also have been disabled in the copy you received. Perhaps the Shift key isn’t functioning properly? You could check by testing if you can type upper case letters by holding down Shift while typing.

      If Full Menus have been disabled in Tools | Startup, it is normal that the Help menu is abbreviated when you can’t bypass the startup options.

    • #1002567

      Has the operator tried bypassing the Switchboard before? I’m wondering whether he’s holding down the shift key at the wrong time. I do that periodically in my more klutzy moments; Access is VERY quick about checking the status of the shift key after you double-click an unsecured database or click OK to the id and password prompt in a secured database, so if the operator tries to hit the shift key AFTER he double-clicks or clicks OK it won’t help.

      • #1002583

        The operator has opened the database with the shift key held down in the past but not very ofter. We tested that the shift key was working properly in Microsoft Word. She has the database icon on her desktop. I had her highlight the icon, hold the shift key down whiile doubleclicking on the icon.

        When the database opened, View and Tools on the menu bar are not displayed.

        The facility is opening a new wing today so the manager has been had to reach. I don’t think it will made any difference but my next step was to have her open Access before opening the database to see if we can find the View and Tool items.

        I am waiting for her to return my phone messages.

        Thanks for all your suggestions.


    • #1002581

      To find out the version of Access that the user is working with, can’t they just open Access itself from the Program Files list and check the Help menu for the “About” information that way?… I mean, that particular database may disable menus but Access itself is free to look at right?

      It would be a start… At least you’d know if they needed service packs and that might have something to do with the real problem…

      • #1002584

        Thanks. My last reply to Hans and your suggestion crossed. Will post the results.


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