• Browsing CD Contents from Explorer


    I have XP Pro set up on my computer at home. Using my login I can browse CDs like any other disk, but my sons account wont allow him to do the same. Using the folder view, if I click on the CDROM drive, the focus immediately changes back to the C: drive.

    Its probably a setting he’s inadvertantly changed … but which one? Any ideas???

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    • #565154

      I’m not entirely clear on what is happening with your son’s profile, so let me ask a few questions instead.

      If you highlight My Computer in the left-hand pane of Explorer, and then double click on the CD icon on the right,does anything happen – anything different, or does it also show you the contents of the C: drive?

      Also, is your son a standard user or an administrator? Try chaging his account type and see what happens. I’m not entirely impressed with the default user settings in XP. Something to try anyway.

      • #565254

        Hi Mark,
        My son has an admin account, since he uses it most, and yes the highlight moves straight back to the C drive. I am not sure if his account has always had this failing because he tends not to browse the CDs, just install allowing an auto startup to occur.

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