• Breaking Excel Links


    Many thanks to Macropod and the forum herein for advise already given. I feel guilty even asking for help on another issue, but here goes. Can anyone help me with a macro in Word 2003 that will unlink all Excel fields (links) thereby changing them to regular text, but keeping intact the TOC fields, etc. which are internal to Word? I’m trying to use an ‘If F.Type = wdFieldLink Then’ statement but keep getting errors.

    Thanks very much.

    Viewing 6 reply threads
    • #1255185

      Hi Brent,

      If you post the full code and tell us which line generates the error message, plus the message’s contents, that would eliminate what would only be guessing at this stage.

      FWIW, if you want to break all external links you should be able to use code like:

      Sub UnlinkLinks()
      Dim oRng As Range, oFld As Field
      With ActiveDocument
        For Each oRng In .StoryRanges
          For Each oFld In oRng.Fields
            With oFld
              If Not .LinkFormat Is Nothing Then .Unlink
            End With
      End With
      End Sub

      I say should be able, because in my experience testing the .LinkFormat isn’t 100% reliable. If it doesn’t work for you, or you only want to unlink certain types of fields with external links, you could use code like:

      Sub UnlinkLinks()
      Dim oRng As Range, oFld As Field
      With ActiveDocument
        For Each oRng In .StoryRanges
          For Each oFld In oRng.Fields
            With oFld
              If .Type = wdFieldHyperlink Then .Unlink
              If .Type = wdFieldImport Then .Unlink
              If .Type = wdFieldInclude Then .Unlink
              If .Type = wdFieldIncludePicture Then .Unlink
              If .Type = wdFieldIncludeText Then .Unlink
              If .Type = wdFieldLink Then .Unlink
              If .Type = wdFieldRefDoc Then .Unlink
            End With
      End With
      End Sub

      and comment out or delete whichever ‘If’ tests you don’t want to apply.

      Paul Edstein
      [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

    • #1255305

      Many thanks Macropod:

      The above macro works great for the body of the document but refuses to unlink fields in my headers. However, this one did work:

      Sub UnlinkAllFields()
      Dim rngStory As Word.Range
      Dim lngJunk As Long
      Dim oShp As Shape
      lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
      For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        'Iterate through all linked stories
          On Error Resume Next
          Select Case rngStory.StoryType
            Case 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
              If rngStory.ShapeRange.Count > 0 Then
                For Each oShp In rngStory.ShapeRange
                  If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                  End If
              End If
            Case Else
              'Do Nothing
          End Select
          On Error GoTo 0
          'Get next linked story (if any)
          Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
        Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
      End Sub

      If I knew why, I might be able to modify the one that redirects Excel links to the current folder (we discussed previously). Any suggestions?

      Thanks very much!

    • #1255318

      Hi Brent,

      The fact you’re iterating through the shapes collection tells me you’re not using the default in-line layout for the links in the header. I suspect that may be at the root of the problem. You could modify the macro I’ve provided to do a similar loop through the shapes and change the link paths.

      Paul Edstein
      [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

    • #1255485

      Hi Macropod and all:

      I hope this will be of help to others. I have been from one side of the web to the other and consulted every book I have at my disposal! Here is what I have finally written and it is working for me. The code breaks all links in the document in all the stories but leaves the TOC and page number references intact. With some simple adjustments, it would allow the user to specify which field types to break and in which stories. I hope I’m not jumping the gun; but I have tested it on my documents with very good results.

      Here goes:

      Sub FieldsToText()
      Dim srng As Range
      Dim done As Boolean
      Dim fld As Field
      Dim i As Integer
      For Each srng In Activedocument.StoryRanges
           'If srng.StoryType = wdFirstPageHeaderStory Then
           'Comment back in and modify above if specific to story
           'Otherwise applies to all stories
          done = False
          While Not done
              ct = srng.Fields.Count
              For i = 1 To ct
                  Set f = srng.Fields
                  For Each fld In srng.Fields
                      With fld
                          If .Type = wdFieldLink Then
                          End If
                      End With
                  Next fld
                   'Or specify field type(s) to unlink above
              Next i
              Set srng = srng.NextStoryRange
              If srng Is Nothing Then done = True
           'End If
      Next srng
      End Sub
    • #1255487

      Hi Brent,

      For a comprehensive approach to breaking Excel links, try:

      Sub FieldsToText()
      Dim Rng As Range, Fld As Field, Shp As Shape
      For Each Rng In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
          For Each Fld In Rng.Fields
              With Fld
                  If .Type = wdFieldLink Then .Unlink
              End With
          Next Fld
          For Each Shp In Rng.ShapeRange
              With Shp
                  If .LinkFormat.Type = wdLinkTypeOLE Then .LinkFormat.BreakLink
              End With
          Next Shp
      Next Rng
      End Sub

      Ironically, the For each Shp/Next Shp loop code is required just to deal with linked shapes (not even linked inlineshapes) in headers and footers. Strangely, shapes in the body of the document are captured by the For each Fld/Next Fld loop, but those in headers and footers aren’t. I suspect that’s a bug.

      Paul Edstein
      [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

    • #1255498


      I will certainly give that a try too- certainly much more eloquent than my rather tedious version. Just learning as I go here! Thanks so much for your help. I hope I can reciprocate in some way- please don’t hesitate to tell me how I can.

      Thanks again.

    • #2596685

      I know this is a very old thread, but wanted to thank Paul for the above.


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