• Bound Controls – Access 2007


    Good morning all,

    I am experiencing a strange event on a couple of my applications. The clients were on Access XP and have upgraded to Access 2007. Forms that are bound to tables used to fill in automatically in Access XP when an ID was selected from a combo box. This no longer happens. A blank form is displayed. All the data are in the right places and the VB code has not been changed. Any suggestion on what I need to look for. I have about 80 different applications that I support and I feel that I have not seen the end of this. TIA.

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    • #1161672

      …. I have about 80 different applications that I support and I feel that I have not seen the end of this. TIA.

      I suspect you are correct – unfortunately – to really help we would need to see an example of the case where the combo box fails to properly bind things. Are you using the standard Recordset Clone approach, or are you applying a filter, or are you actually setting the data source using VBA? Also, the first thing I would do is make sure you upgrade to SP2 of Office 2007 – it fixes a number of things, and actually adds some nice new capabilities. Meanwhile, I’m still fighting with toolbars and shortcut menus that don’t seem to migrate nicely from 2002/3 to 2007.

    • #1161674

      Hi Wendell, Thanks for the reply. Here is the code of the onClick event after I fill the combo box.
      Private Sub cmd_FindByTrafficInvoice_Click()
      On Error GoTo Err_cmd_FindByTrafficInvoice_Click

      Dim stDocName As String
      Dim stlinkcriteria As String

      stDocName = “frm_Invoices”

      stlinkcriteria = “[InvoiceID]=” & Me![Traffic-InvoiceID]
      DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stlinkcriteria

      Exit Sub

      MsgBox Err.Description
      Resume Exit_cmd_FindByTrafficInvoice_Click

      End Sub

      Me!Traffic-InvoiceID is the combobox. This is a pretty straight forward approach that I have used many times.

      • #1161689

        The quickest thing to do is put a breakpoint in code (or use debug.print) to show the value of Me![Traffic-InvoiceID] prior to executing the OpenForm.

    • #1161692

      Hi Mark,

      I’m using a search form for this. Did what you suggested and the data is what it is supposed to be; frm_invoices is not getting filled in.

    • #1161701

      Eureka!! I had to set the Data Entry property of the form to No. It was set to Yes.

      • #1161799

        Eureka!! I had to set the Data Entry property of the form to No. It was set to Yes.

        Glad you found that – I’m not sure we would have ever thought of suggesting you check that property.

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