• Bloated send files on mass mailing (Outlook XP latest, Exhange 2003 latest

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Bloated send files on mass mailing (Outlook XP latest, Exhange 2003 latest


    We’re sending a 98KB file to 6000 recipients.

    To do this we used BCC – and our email-size is recorded as 2MB – presumably because of the recipients.

    The question is what is the traffic to the Internet (after the SMTP service)?
    Is it

    • 98KB multiplied by 6000?
    • 2MB multiplied by 6000?
    • Just 2MB once and let our ISP sort it out
    • Some other number based on splitting BCCs to host SMTP services e.g. 1MB to *@hotmail.com once for 3000 recipients; 500KB once for *@yahoo.com for 1500 recipients …
    • Other options
      [/list]Anyone know what happens?
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    • #986755

      What is supposed to happen is that you send one message to the mail server containing everything and it sends 6000 messages with none of the BCC information in it. After headers are added, maybe it’s more like 105KB each?

      • #986805

        Thanks Jefferson
        I’m hopeful that this is the answer, and I’m going to convince myself of it by snapshotting the traffic count at my ISP before and after – should be entertaining grin

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