• blank spreadsheet


    What could have happened to an Excel Spreadsheet that was saved, still in the directory with a file size of 15K but when opened it is entirely blank?

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    • #1780944

      Not sure what you mean by “entirely blank.” If you mean that you have a gray screen with no spreadsheets visible, then go to the window menu and select unhide. If a window pops up asking what to unhide, select your workbook and click OK. If that is not what you have, could you be a little more explicit?

      • #1781072

        What I meant was that there is no data at all on the sheet. It is totally blank and the sheet tabs are no longer named, yet there is a file name and it opens into excel when you click it. It has two full sheets of data of aout 15 rows and 30 columns. I don’t understand how there can be a file name, file size and an entirely blank spreadsheet. Thank you for any help.

        • #1781081

          There is one other possibility. Open the workbook and then select Sheet from the Format menu. If the Unhide command is not grayed out, then click on it and see it the sheets are hidden.

          Unfortunately, it sounds like someone saved a new empty workbook with the same file name in the same directory, and then clicked on “Yes” when asked if they wanted to replace the existing file. If that is the case, then look in your trash basket to see if the file is by any chance still there. If not, and you don’t have a backup, then your file is probably gone.

    • #1780991

      Maybe it really is blank…
      Using Excel 8 SR-2 (Office97), if I save a new workbook with no entries (using 3 worksheets as the default for a new workbook), the file size is 14K. Saving a new ’empty’ workbook with 16 worksheets is 17K. Sounds like you could have a workbook with nothing in it.

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