I got this cute email today:
“redorevetohotona <redorevetohotona@bol.com.br>
Need to be careful
You have to read this notification through! If pay no heed to notification, the effect will be irreversible.
I captured your your self-relaxation via your web camera..
The police won’t solve your problem!!!
I’m a foreign citizen, hence it is complicated to find me!
In any event I will manage to damage ur reputation.
I stole the contacts of your friends and relatives and received access to your social networks.
It is pointless to explain u how this happened, but I’m gonna advise u to update your antivirus and avoid clicking on sites with porn!
I will give you 24 hours after opening this letter (I will receive a notification ) to buy my silence.
Send 20 lite coin to La14FCMi4t5kopzQr31sPD3FRBmBsZQgEd wallet during twenty four hours and be 100% sure I will get rid of all the blackmain on you!
If I do not receive money for my silence, I will send all the compromising evidence to yr buddies and relatives and share it in social networks.
It’s unlikely that anyone would be happy to keep company with you.
You can beg, but it won’t work out. You are given twenty four hours!
Don’t send anything to this email, it’s used to send messages, I won’t use it.
I apologize for my English, I’m not a native speaker!”
I don’t have a web camera, but it looks like I’m just gonna have to have “blackmain” on me, because I don’t have any lite coin, either.