• Beware phishers

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    I”m always admonishing people to be careful about phishers, but it looks like Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and Gmail are getting a particularly nasty dose at t
    [See the full post at: Beware phishers]

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    • #59183

      To be specific, it is the AdBlock Plus or Super AdBlocker add-ons (one of which seems to be baked in to Firefox 3.x) which can prevent some phishing attacks from succeeding. But don’t rely on it — everyone should know by now what types of e-mails never to click through on, and only to copy and paste the links into the Firefox Location Bar, which also can sometimes detect and warn of bogus web links to dangerous sites. For Internet Explorer users, most of you are out of luck, unless your security programs contain some very good Web Shields.

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