• Better Resolution Image Exports (PPT 97)



    Whenver I export a PPT to an image file, the latter will lack some minuscle details the former had (details that make for the tenth point in the overall look).
    I need to export the PPT to images to insert them in word documents (which in turn I don’t want to get too big because of the image). So instead of copying from ppt and pasting into word, I’ll export the ppt to an image and use the Insert | Image | From Archive command in word. But some resolution is lost in the middle…
    Does anybody know how to have Powerpoint export images with a better resolution? I’m particularly interested in jpg and png formats.

    Thanks a lot!

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    • #583889

      Diegol, I have had this problem in the past. The best solution I can recommend is to try and zoom in to the image in PPT that you want to export to a jpeg, and instead of exporting it, press the Print Screen button. After this, go to MS PhotoEditor, Edit, Paste as new image, or do the same in some other image edditing program. Hope this helped!

      • #583893

        Hey Baruguru.

        Thanks for your advice. I use this workaround whenever I can, ie, when the area I want to export viewed at 100 % does not exceed the screen size. If it exceeds the screen size, the task would require further editing I want to avoid. Maybe there’s some kind of connection between PPT and MS Photo Editor and you can tweak the second so the first will export with better resolution, or maybe another hack… I dunno.

        Thanks anyway!

    • #583911

      I see that PPT 97 has the Send to Microsoft Word command (although it can crash PPT as described in Q163946). If you run that command, once your slides are laid out in a Word document, you can use this macro to shape ’em up:

      Sub DoctorSlides()
      ' This macro converts slide images generated by PPT's Send To Word
      ' First, convert the embedded objects to pictures
      Dim intCounter As Integer, fld As Field
      For intCounter = ActiveDocument.Fields.Count To 1 Step -1
          Set fld = ActiveDocument.Fields(intCounter)
          If fld.Type = wdFieldEmbed Then
              If InStr(1, fld.Code, "PowerPoint.Slide", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
              End If
          End If
      If Not fld Is Nothing Then
          Set fld = Nothing
      End If
      ' Next, rescale the inline pictures to 100% height and width
      Dim slide As InlineShape
      For Each slide In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
          If slide.Type = wdInlineShapePicture Then
              slide.ScaleHeight = 100
              slide.ScaleWidth = 100
          End If
      If Not slide Is Nothing Then
          Set slide = Nothing
      End If
      End Sub

      Note: I tested in Office 2000, but I don’t think any of this is especially fancy.

      By the way, JPG is not especially space-efficient in a Word document. BMPs and PNGs are better. Hope this helps.

      • #584353

        Edited by WebGenii on 25-Apr-02 22:07.


        Sorry for taking a while to get back to you. The SendTo command will send the ppt image to a NEW word document. So even when you leave the cursor where you’d like the image to appear, a new document will pop up and the image will be there. Of course, there’s always the Insert | File solution to put together the document you’re working on with the new document so as to get the image inserted right where you wanted, but it lacks consistency. It definetly SHOULD be easier to get the job done.

        A web search brought up many results, among which this seemed to have tackled it


        But it didn’t work for me – I tried exporting with 25%, 66% and 200% View sizes and they were all the same. I’ll keep searching, maybe I come up with something interesting.

        Thanks for the macro. Though I don’t understand the VBA code (I’m not much into VBA), it did convert the ppt image to an image smile

        • #584415

          Yes, sorry, there is the extra step of moving the desired slides to the other document. I just thought that if you had many to export, doing all at once was the fastest way. (I think you should be able to drag and drop them, or copy/paste them, but I didn’t try it.)

        • #584634

          Option Explicit

          Sub InsertAtWordSelection()
          Dim appWord As Word.Application

          On Error Resume Next
          Set appWord = GetObject(, “Word.Application”)
          If Err.Number = 0 Then
          appWord.Visible = True
          With appWord
          End With
          Set appWord = Nothing
          MsgBox “You need to start Word and indicate the selection at which you want the Powerpoint selection to be pasted.”, vbInformation, “Microsoft Word is not running”
          End If
          End Sub

          • #584729

            If I’m not getting it wrong, I should paste this code somewhere in the PPT Visual Basic Editor, but I barely understand how Excel’s and Word’s VB Editors work, and PPT’s seems to be a bit different… It doesn’t have modules (or worksheets for the case), so where should I paste the code?

            Again, if I’m not wrong, I should create a User Form, and this would be the code for that form, right? Should I create any buttons? How do I do that?

            Thanks for your help

            • #584869

              PPT’s VBIDE is no different.
              Just right click in the Project, and paste the text of the macro into the module.

              This type of macro should be run from either a toolbar button, or, if you like a keyboard shortcut.

              How to create a toolbar button or a keyboard shortcut?
              Use the Tools | Customize menu in Powerpoint, works the same way as in, say, Word.

              In Powerpoint Help, try, say, “creating toolbar buttons”.

          • #584870

            Here’s a better version:

            Option Explicit

            Sub InsertAtWordSelection()
            With ActiveWindow.Selection
            If .Type = ppSelectionNone Then
            MsgBox “Please make a selection in Powerpoint.”, vbInformation, _
            “There is no selection”
            Dim appWord As Word.Application
            On Error Resume Next
            Set appWord = GetObject(, “Word.Application”)
            If Err.Number = 0 Then
            MsgBox “Please start Word and indicate where you want the Powerpoint selection to be pasted.”, vbInformation, “Microsoft Word is not running”
            End If
            Set appWord = Nothing
            End If
            End With
            End Sub

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