• Best ONLINE PC magazine

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    What is the best ONLINE PC magazine?
    What’s the best FREE ONLINE PC magazine?
    What’s the best NOT FREE ONLINE PC magazine.

    Let’s keep this separate from a discussion of PRINTED magazines.

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    • #872143

      It was my intent that this thread discuss the pros and cons of particular ONLINE magazines, not the pros and cons of ONLINE vs. PRINTED magazines.

    • #872144

      It was my intent that this thread discuss the pros and cons of particular ONLINE magazines, not the pros and cons of ONLINE vs. PRINTED magazines.

    • #1063649

      A general personal technology site I learned about from the US Wall Street Journal: All Things Digital, not to be confused with http://www.allthingsdigital.net, which is a Florida supplier of satellite and security equipment.

      I am under no circumstances recommending this site; I just learned of it, it is new to me, so far it seems pretty lightweight.

      • #1064431


        I’ve never been impressed with the WSJ as a source of technical info.
        WSJ periodically as articles that point to useful sources.

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