I have read many posts here referring to frontend/backend setups and have a database which I think should be split. However, I have some very basic questions first which I have not seen addressed here and can’t find in my books.
My major question is: If I have a front end on my computer and the back end (both Access) is on another computer on the network, do I need to popen BOTH databases to make things work?
Here is my situation:
We have a membership database (which is the one I think should be split) which currently contains many tables, forms, queries, and reports. It resides on someone else’s computer on our network. When I want to use the Membership database, I click a shortcut on my own computer which opens it. I also have another database on my own computer which contains linked tables (linked to membership), and several forms and queries which no one but me uses (it is also the database I use when I am building new forms/queries/etc for the Membership database so I don’t mess up the Membership database with stuff that is in process).
Currently, I cannot run my private database on my computer unless Membership is also open on my computer when I start up my private database. Otherwise, as soon as I ask my personal database to do anything which requires data, it says “disk or network error”.
It isn’t really ideal having both those databases open, for a number of reasons. So I’m wondering if we split the membership will it then be necessary to open two databases anytime anyone (there are four of us) wants to access the Membership database?
Warning: I do not know a THING about networks and neither does anyone else in this office. We hire the outsiders who make the big bucks for that stuff and try not to do it any more than is absolutely necessary. So I probably need a fix that can be done completely in Access, or else I need to know that that’s just the way it is and we have to open both the frontend and the backend if I set it up that way.
Thanks for any insight you can offer!