• Backplane language


    If VBA is the language that stands behind MS Office applications and allows automation and customization of such package, what’s the language -if any- behind the Open Office suite?. In other words, how can Oppen Office be given the power of MS’s VBA?. Thanks in advance.

    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #1041463

      Hi there

      A lot of open source applications use C++ and they are able to interface with VB etc using DLL files.

      • #1041468

        Just in case the post wasn’t all that clear….I don’t want to connect to MS Office prods,….I just want to get the same functionality VBA but under Open Office…C++ packages are the answer?

    • #1041538

      Try the OpenOffice forum. Their almost as good as Woody’s and you’ll see lots of help on starbasic and other scripting language you can use.

    • #1041741

      When last I checked, the StarOffice / OpenOffice.org macro language was named StarBasic or OOBasic. However, perusing the developer documentation it appeared that the “real” programming language of choice was Java.

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