• Backing up of bookmarks and extenstions in Firefox (1.5)

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    Is they anyway to back up my bookmarks, extensions in Firefox as when l installed the new version of Firefox l appeared to have lost all of these.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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    • #987654

      Firefox 1.5 automatically backs up the last 5 days bookmark files to a folder called bookmarkbackups in your profile folder.

      My personal preference for backing up profiles is the Bookmark Backup extension, which in spite of its name can be used to backup all your settings.

      • #987656

        Thats great thanks.

      • #987659

        This does not work , l get error: Not a valid install package.

        Any other suggestions?

        • #987661

          Not sure why it is not installing, it is what I use in Fx 1.5.

          Alternatives include BackupFox and MozBackup. I have not used either of them for some time so can not recommend one over the other. Both of these are not extensions but programs designed for backing up profiles.

        • #988012

          I’ve been thinking about that “Not a valid install package” error and have a workaround.

          At Pike’s Mozilla Firefox Extensions right-click on the “Install Bookmark Backup 0.3.3” link and select “Save link as…” to save a copy of the .xpi file on your hard drive. You can then use explorer to drag and drop the .xpi file onto Firefox, or use “File>Open File…” within Firefox to install the extension.

    • #987658
    • #987660

      If you save the whole of your “Profiles” folder, you can put it back where it was and maintain all of your previous setting – as long as they are compatible with the new version of course.

      I zip my folder every night into a backup folder and burn it to CD periodically. I’ve had no trouble on the couple of occasions when I’ve had to recover it.

    • #988433

      (Edited by Leif to make link live – see the quick guide and/or Help 19 – it’s really not that difficult and is very helpful to others.)

      Yes, there is a Good program to back up both Thunderbird and Firefox. It is MozBackup (http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com[/url%5D).
      I have used it for almost a year now and it is great. I keep a copy of my important email on another computer. All I do is run the backup, then move the file (usually very large) to the other computer. Then, you use the same program to RESTORE.

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