• Background Photo


    I have used an image for my desktop backgound, to which image I would now like to add some text using my image editor. The problem is that I cannot find the image file on my computer or disks, and it now only exists as my desktop background. Is there any way to find a copy of the mage so that I can edit it?

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    • #879599

      It’s got to be somewhere!

      Right_click on the desktop > Properties….
      What does it say is the background picture?

      Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View…
      Check you have selected to show hidden files – chjances are the pic resides in your Windows folder which may be hidden.

      • #879613

        Leif and John, I can’t search for the file since I do not know its name. It came from my digital camera.

        I have opted to show all hidden files and the opened the Folder Options to View. The Background selection is “Internet Explorer Wallpaper”.

        • #879621

          If you click on ‘Browse’ (to select an alternative background) which folder does it take you to? I’m not sure if it will take you to the home of the current picture, or the default Windows folder.

          Was the picture in a specific folder you had downloaded to from your camera when you picked it as your background? If so, it may be there.

          I suspect your only option may be to search for it manually using the ‘Thumbnail’ view in Windows Explorer. It may be worth sorting the folder by ‘Type’ (under the Details view) first so that at least all the picture files will be grouped.

          • #879628

            It goes to the default folder. I’m not sure what folder I put it in from my camera. I’ll try searching thumbnails by jpg.

            Thank you both very much for your suggestions.

            • #879732

              The name part should be the same as listed in Properties. The extension could be either .bmp or .jpg. My system shows those types that are in either Windows or My Pictures but if you used Browse then I think it could be anywhere.

              If you search for the name (no extension) then you should find it.

            • #879811

              When ever I open the Display properties and select the desktop tab, the wall paper file NAME is hi lighted. You should be able to do a SEARCH on that file file name.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #879812

              When ever I open the Display properties and select the desktop tab, the wall paper file NAME is hi lighted. You should be able to do a SEARCH on that file file name.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #879971

              Calvin, Dave,
              I think the whole point is that it doesn’t tell you the name of file!

            • #879972

              Calvin, Dave,
              I think the whole point is that it doesn’t tell you the name of file!

            • #879733

              The name part should be the same as listed in Properties. The extension could be either .bmp or .jpg. My system shows those types that are in either Windows or My Pictures but if you used Browse then I think it could be anywhere.

              If you search for the name (no extension) then you should find it.

            • #879978

              OK – I tried a little experiment by setting a graphic being viewed in IE as the background, then did a search for it.

              Although I’m running XP, you should hopefully find it in the same place:

              C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftInternet Explorer
              with the name
              Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp

            • #879988

              You get a similar result by looking in the Windows 2000 Registry at

              HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDesktopGeneral

              at the Wallpaper key, which contains something like

              Wallpaper REG_EXPAND_SZ %SystemDrive%MyTestDirRebecca.jpg


            • #879989

              You get a similar result by looking in the Windows 2000 Registry at

              HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDesktopGeneral

              at the Wallpaper key, which contains something like

              Wallpaper REG_EXPAND_SZ %SystemDrive%MyTestDirRebecca.jpg


            • #880053

              The file “Internet Explorer Wallpaper.???” is the result in “right clicking” a image and selecting “Set as Desktop background”. This will always over write the existing “Internet Explorer Wallpaper” file with the new selection. This is how people will LOSE the image and not be able to reselect the image in the display properties, since it is no longer there. I found this out when using Windows 95 early on, and it has NOT changed.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #880054

              The file “Internet Explorer Wallpaper.???” is the result in “right clicking” a image and selecting “Set as Desktop background”. This will always over write the existing “Internet Explorer Wallpaper” file with the new selection. This is how people will LOSE the image and not be able to reselect the image in the display properties, since it is no longer there. I found this out when using Windows 95 early on, and it has NOT changed.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #879979

              OK – I tried a little experiment by setting a graphic being viewed in IE as the background, then did a search for it.

              Although I’m running XP, you should hopefully find it in the same place:

              C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftInternet Explorer
              with the name
              Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp

          • #879629

            It goes to the default folder. I’m not sure what folder I put it in from my camera. I’ll try searching thumbnails by jpg.

            Thank you both very much for your suggestions.

        • #879622

          If you click on ‘Browse’ (to select an alternative background) which folder does it take you to? I’m not sure if it will take you to the home of the current picture, or the default Windows folder.

          Was the picture in a specific folder you had downloaded to from your camera when you picked it as your background? If so, it may be there.

          I suspect your only option may be to search for it manually using the ‘Thumbnail’ view in Windows Explorer. It may be worth sorting the folder by ‘Type’ (under the Details view) first so that at least all the picture files will be grouped.

      • #879614

        Leif and John, I can’t search for the file since I do not know its name. It came from my digital camera.

        I have opted to show all hidden files and the opened the Folder Options to View. The Background selection is “Internet Explorer Wallpaper”.

    • #879600

      It’s got to be somewhere!

      Right_click on the desktop > Properties….
      What does it say is the background picture?

      Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View…
      Check you have selected to show hidden files – chjances are the pic resides in your Windows folder which may be hidden.

    • #879601

      It must be on your disk somewhere. Right click on an empty part of the desktop>Properties>Desktop tab and determine which file is being used for the background. These are usually .bmp files and are usually stored in the Windows directory. If the file is not in the Windows directory, you can search for it using the file name and wildcards – eg. myimage*.*. In your search, make sure that “Search system folders”, “search hidden files and folders” and “Search subfolders” are checked in the Advanced search options.

    • #879602

      It must be on your disk somewhere. Right click on an empty part of the desktop>Properties>Desktop tab and determine which file is being used for the background. These are usually .bmp files and are usually stored in the Windows directory. If the file is not in the Windows directory, you can search for it using the file name and wildcards – eg. myimage*.*. In your search, make sure that “Search system folders”, “search hidden files and folders” and “Search subfolders” are checked in the Advanced search options.

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