• Avast! Home false positives


    The latest update (today 3 Dec 09) of Avast! Home is apparently (according to some in the Avast! forums) identifying a section of Delphi development code, which means many programme executables, as a trojan.Mainly win32: zbot-MMK and defl-MZG. These appear to be false positives and if you do place them in the “virus chest” for safe keeping, it also seems that many of them are NOT restorable. You will then be faced with reinstalling the particular programmes and/or reinstalling windows itself. Lovely!


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    • #1187838

      It’s hardly a great comfort to those who’ve already damaged their systems, but they have announced on their message board that the problem has already been fixed. I haven’t checked myself to see if it’s true.

      Good luck.

    • #1188042

      As an adendum to this issue, I also got a false positive from the latest Avast update.

      It flagged the Webroot SpySweeper language.dll file as a trojan and SpySweeper would not allow me access to the file to move it to the chest. Reported the problem last night, but haven’t checked to see if they addressed it.

    • #1188107

      I’m also getting the false positives for several programs, including Spybot and Mailwasher. Also, is anyone having problems with Thunderbird since the last Avast program update? Is ti loading messages VERY slowly today.

    • #1188120

      Doc Watson’s problem is almost certainly the same one, and Jim’s may be. To prevent further problems, you might want to do a manual update immediately to VPS 091203-1 or later.

      They have posted instructions related to the problem at http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=377 .

      Good luck.

    • #1188132

      I got false positives last night for IZArc and another program which I forget. Thanks for the heads-up and the reference.

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