Good Morning Everyone….
I’m a getting very confused as to what exactly is going on with the db’s in my department in the last week or so… For some reason, all of a sudden, whenever someone tries to compact one of their .mdb’s, we keep getting strange errors…
The one this morning is an Automation Error in the On Open event for the db’s main interface form… I designed this application for them over a year and a half ago… It has been used every day since, and there has never been any problems with it… and nothing was changed this morning… I knew that it needed compacting, so I did it…. This error popped up at the end of the compacting process…
So I guess I have two questions…
1) Any idea what this Automation Error is and how to fix it?…. I checked the references and they are the same as the backup copies of the .mdb (BTW… the backups open fine and without this error)
2) Does anyone know of a reason that mdb’s on a shared network drive could out of the blue, have problems?… Last Thursday and Friday, I had people coming to me constantly with different anomolies going on with their db’s when they were trying to compact and/or repair… ???
Examples: No Read Permission errors … to do with MSysModule tables etc….
Another user is trying to update at the same time… etc…
We had to have a few files restored from previous days… I’m confused… Is it possible that the network guys are doing something with the drive and that is effecting the db’s?
Any ideas would be appreciated… ‘cuz this is getting scary… (hahaha)